DC area checking in. They are super popular right now, especially roasted or deep fried. Fortunately, I haven’t seen anyone serving the boiled nasties my mom used to make…
All hail Queen Pepper!
Hey, it’s the only thing I remember from linear algebra! That’s the longest living sheep ever.
Neat! Looks like you are under the ocean.
Yeah, I’m glad they left that one active.
That looks fabulous! I really like the big stitched and the drape. You are all set for winter. :)
Did you manage to finish? Looks like it is going to be a beautiful sweater.
That’s a very beautiful photo. Any idea how cold the water is? Looks like it would be freezing.
I love the bunny kicks. They are so dangerous, but so adorable…
Taffy is very cute! Is that belly a trap, or can you pet it?
Maybe you could make a mayonnaise cake? https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/7423/mayonnaise-cake-i/
Yeah, most of them do double duty with a shop inside. The snacks and drinks usually have a high markup, but there aren’t a lot of free-standing minimarkets except for a few 7-11s.
Then there’s Wawa, which is the weird outlier. :) I think they sell gas as a side business. The inside is all about getting food.
That’s really pretty. What beach were you at?
Portuguese style looks really interesting! I learned to knit after learning to crochet, so I’ve only ever gotten the hang of continental.
How do you tell them apart? They were very cute kittens.
Philly!! Looks great.
Snake, snaaaaaake!!