- The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, Naomi Klein (2007)
- The Battle for Paradise: Puerto Rico Takes on the Disaster Capitalists, Naomi Klein (2018)
people who’ve had their future ripped away from them, thrown out in the street, and repeatedly run over
this is one of the things that struck me about email clients on Linux – CLI and GUI clients have followed two very different evolutionary paths – the CLI clients went for the “doing one job well” path (where you end up assembling a whole system of apps for sending and receiving email) and the GUI clients went for the “everything and the kitchen sink” path (where you end up trying to hide half the options so they don’t get in your way)
you forgot about pollen season in between the two
aww … “The cableway replaced a funicular, on the same route, in 2010.” … cable car is probably better choice but the funicular was just plain fun
People who use Caps Lock for one letter
Speed Typing King Sean Wrona on Not Using Shift Key
Sean Wrona who currently holds a bunch of speed typing records uses it to type all capital letters. Instead of hitting Shift+letter he finds it is more efficient to hit CapsLock+letter+CapsLock in quick succession.
“Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.”
pushed to prod »on Friday«
“I guess losers just naturally relate to Jefferson Davis.”
water quality in the harbor was severely impacted
your only loyalty to the company is to the paycheck and that bag ain’t coming out of your paycheck (no matter how much your manager whines about it) – put on your best dead face (maybe mix in a little of “did you just shit your pants?” revulsion) as you hand over a bag and get him out of the store and out of your life as fast as possible – life is too short to give his ego anything other than apathy and disdain
being betrayed by the same guy who betrayed you however many times before …
the last time this idiocy was going around, companies were switching employees to netbooks, chromebooks, thin clients, burners, etc. when traveling – default install, don’t log in until in the other country, log out or wipe before leaving the other country – this time, the corporations seem perfectly happy to capitulate and throw their corporate secrets (and the employees) under the bus …