The only reason those industry boards exist is due to an implicit or explicit threat of government regulation.
The only reason those industry boards exist is due to an implicit or explicit threat of government regulation.
Strands #188
“Know your material”
It’s probably shitware that a list of which would make the issue seem less scary. “FartCameraXxX” “SkibidiKeyboard - Says skibidi every button press! V1.2”
My uncle had a dog for about 10 years. Took him camping every weekend and would chill out by the truck all day. No issues. One random dog came up and peed on the truck tire once. Dog said “wait what you can do that?” and for the rest of his life pissed on the truck. It was a mindvirus.
Television advertising. It might be hard to believe, but there are way more low information voters than you might imagine. TV advertising is expensive too. Jeff Jackson (NC congressman, running for NC State AG after he was gerrymandered out of Congress) has done a great job addressing this in his short videos.
I want the senate
Weird people
Bernie’s emails are worth subscribing to imo. He’s sending out stuff railing on citizens united with the tone of “yeah yeah, crazy ol Bernie on it again. Well guess what, it’s still a big fuckin problem”
Nah, no need for a conspiracy theory. Also NYT photographer got a picture of a flying bullet.
I was pretty distraught after the announcement, but within a few hours as the wave of support built, I came out of the hole and started feeling positive. So glad that the support fell behind so quickly.
Trump definitely did not fuck a couch.
Some people speculated on this from day 1 when he wasn’t posing for photos with his “bullet wound.”
Name literally one.
Tell me the plan that gets more unified support than the current president.
Explain how.
Strands #136
“Park place”
Seriously. Can NYT Op-Ed run 100% “Trump should drop out” articles every time he does something far more disqualifying? They’ll never run another opinion again.
My daughter’s first word was her own name. 5 years later, my son’s first word was… my daughter’s first name.
I used to do inversion, but was swayed by James Hoffman’s taste experiments and concluding method.
I watched it while I was at work so when I got home I could watch it all over again totally fresh.