Video gamer and programmer. Talk to me about Marvel Rivals!

  • 40 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I agree with the other poster that Punk is a good deck, but maybe I’m biased since it’s my favorite archetype. It can beat most decks if it goes first, but has trouble when going second.

    A good budget option is just buying 3 Ninja structure decks since they have all the cards for a full deck and can get you all the way to Diamond (further if you grind long enough). Here’s an example of a list that got to Master 1.

    UR hand-traps like Maxx “C”, Ash Blossom, Imperm, etc. are used in most decks so you’ll probably want to craft them eventually, but they can just be replaced by more Ninja cards or other generic cards you own. The Only extra deck card you might want to craft is Borrelsword Dragon since there’s a cool OTK line you can do with it & Cross-Sheep, but you hardly use any extra deck cards besides the fusions and the link Ninja, which are all in the structure deck.

  • I wouldn’t say Yu-Gi-Oh is toxic. There are a handful of decks or cards that could be considered toxic, but most aren’t. The main difference between setting up a strong endboard or just using toxic cards like continuous floodgates is that you can break through the first one with your own strategies, while the second requires you drawing specific cards that, if aren’t in your deck, you instantly lose.

    In most most card games, the fun is slowly strategically gaining power while keeping your opponent in check over many turns, but in Yu-Gi-Oh that is condensed into 2-3 turns. The fun then is more in trying to set up a board of interruptions that stop your opponent, or trying to break down your opponent’s board for a lethal strike; which is basically the same as other card games, just more streamlined.

    As for turns taking too long, just know that most players are probably watching YouTube videos or doing some other task while you’re playing your turn, don’t worry.