Odd, I just tried it and had no issues.
I get those popups too at times, but they are not what I am referring to. The shader pre-chaching updates I mentioned work in the same way you described your phenomenon, through the regular update menu.
Since I’ve switched to linux, a lot of games have been starting doing shader pre-caching updates regularly. Might be that.
Watch Dogs. It’s without a doubt my favorite video game franchise of all time and it saddens me that there hasn’t been any sign of a new game being in development at all. I’d love if the game went back to its roots by following the first entries formula, but that’s just a minor preference and at this point I’d take anything.
Tut es unter anderem, mein Kommentar soll nur ein Beispiel sein.
Alles Gute! Mein Mitbringsel wurde leider vom Zoll konfisziert >:(
Regular Trump already does that to me.
Haven’t found one yet. I’m gonna look for player bases along the expedition route with a name indicating the presence of one, that usually does the trick.
I think almost everyone agrees that Legion is the worst entry in the franchise and I completely agree. The story was bland and the play as everyone system wasn’t very fleshed out. I nevertheless had a lot of fun with it by focusing on the sandbox/open world aspects instead of the story and characters. Something that is very important to me about video games is their worldbuilding and every Watch Dogs game has absolutely nailed that IMO. Legions dystopian cyberpunk London is stunning to look at and move around and the way the player experiences this mass-surveillance police state around them is truly captivating. Learning about messed up artificial intelligence experiments, the development of technology making it even easier for the government and companies to spy on citizens and seeing, reading about and listening to people suffer the direct consquences of this more than made up for the lackluster story in my eyes. So much in fact that I spent over a hundred hours in this game and still come back to it regularly even though support has been dropped long ago. Microtransactions didn’t bother me as they are completely optional and can only be used to purchase skins and characters that mostly aren’t much different to those you can recruit in the base game. One exception is the Bloodlines DLC, which was a redeeming addition to the game in many peoples eyes. It features a really well done story featuring Aiden Pearce from the first game and Wrench from Watch Dogs 2 (and only those, no recruiting citizens here!), both being fan favorite Characters. The DLCs short but sweet main story and the side missions with some unexpected twists were enjoyable to me and brought back what many loved about the old games. After the launch of Legion there were also two books and one graphic novel released that tie into Legions story with the authors taking what was best about the game, the setting and location, and adding an exciting storyline with great characters on top of it. To sum it up, I totally get why people dislike Legion and in my eyes the first and second games are far superior. Nevertheless, perhaps due to my priorities regarding the aspects of video games or willingness to invest more time into a seemingly lackluster game because of my love for the previous titles, I consider it to be a decent, if not a good video game. To anyone being unsure about picking the game up, I’d reccommed doing so during a sale, where the base games price often falls below 10$.
Bruce Schneier my beloved
Governments have been trying to impose chat control for over a decade now but so far they haven’t been able to get it through. That doesn’t stop them from trying over and over again though and this time their chances are looking better than usual. Even if they fail once more they’ll do it all over again soon afterwards. This topic will never get old.
Danke, den hatte ich ganz vergessen! <3
Das Känguru ist wieder da, lass fickend gehen
Cory Doctorow my beloved