Jetzt darf man schon nichtmal mehr seine 84kg Pepperoni nachts spazieren fahren ohne von der Polizei belästigt zu werden. Armes Deutschland 😤
Nüsse sind eine gute Proteinquelle. Nussmus kann man zb Soßen beimischen oder als Brotaufstrich verwenden. Man kann zb Cashews im Hochleistungsmixer mit Wasser pürieren und daraus eine Art Sahneersatz selbst herstellen. Man kann gehackte und geröstete Nüsse als Topping auf Salate, Currys uvm. streuen. Bei meinem lokalen Unverpacktladen gibt es “Nuss Bolognese”, das sind einfach fein gehackte Paranüsse und Cashews, als Hack Ersatz - kann man auch selbst herstellen. Und natürlich kann man Nüsse auch einfach so snacken
Bezahlkarte für CDU Abgeordnete wann?
eigentlich brauchen wir mehr leute in der Politik die merken dass es kurz vor 12 steht mit den Faschisten bevor deren eigene Häuser in Flammen stehen
I get it. I was never really good at evil playthroughs, but one thing that really helped me get a good evil playthrough in bg3 was inventing a motivation for my character to be evil instead of just always picking the evil option for the sake of it. I just thought of a little back story and personality traits that would make picking the evil options more logical. There are a lot of motivators to do evil things other than just to cause as much harm as possible. Also its good to keep in mind, that just because your character is evil, doesnt mean they always have to pick the most evil option.
shork :3
Auf dem selben Plakat ist ein Pferd. Das einzige was noch lächerlicher als die Klage ist, ist das Urteil
Would be best if we moved it to an extra row below the rest, to keep it under control
Wäre ja akzeptabel, wenn am Schluss nur die Unternehmen mit den Sicherheitslücken darunter leiden, aber die deren Daten dabei geleakt werden leiden halt auch darunter also keine wirklich gute Option.
“One idea is a “model state” in North Africa. Sellner explains that up to two million people could live in such an area. Then you have a place where you can “move” people. There are opportunities for training and sport there. And everyone who supports refugees could go there too.” We’re talking about them wanting to deport everyone from asylum seeker to any pro-immigration citzien. Thats literally nazi shit. But sure be quick to jump in to defend the nazis with some unrelated article from 6 years ago.
Happy Birthday to my favorite queer shork instance 🎉❤️
Thank you
The government that by any objective metric has already realized more of their promises in 2 years than their predecessors managed in 8
Do you by any chance have any sources for that part? Could be really useful for the upcoming holidays
in any working democracy saying these words should get you banned from running for office for life
Oh, did they? Easily unlocking the bootloader was exactly what I chose my OnePlus 6t for. Sad to see how fast they dropped that.
if you have proton enabled the library shows all games as linux compatible. If you disable proton in the steam settings on linux the filter will only show games that run natively
Germany has terrible internet service, so no, not everywhere. Also you would still need a cloud gaming provider that has servers close enough to your location that lag doesnt become an issue and actually offers that service in your country, which I’m not sure would be the case for all places
Danke, das wird meine neue copypasta antwort wenn mich jemand um Hilfe mit windows fragt