Are you Justin Bieber?
Are you Justin Bieber?
to the root for every new shell session I start.Yeah. Pretty much all of the above.
I used to rely on Sway for terminal tabs and splits. Only recently did I realize that tmux is the better option, even for local use. Already used tmux for SSH sessions.
wow what an excellent day in the neighbourhood
i sure hope I won’t be faced with an ethical dilemma in the very near future
My dude, chill. It’s ‘just’ an analytics tracking id.
I do usually remove them before sharing. But no, it’s absolutely useless for hijacking an account.
It was actually hundreds of beavers.
Far Cry: Blood Dragon tought me you can use them to distract your enemies.
The future is already here. It’s just unevenly distributed.
Speak for yourself.
KurtJMac started Far Lands or Bust in 2011, and reached 9.9 million blocks earlier this month.
It represents the inequality in the chocolate industry.
And with it delete Matt Mulholland’s beautiful rendition on the recorder? I think not!
🎶 Previously on BrainDead! 🎶
That sounds pretty much like what Dirvish and rsnapshot do. Both wrap rsync.
The longer version of the third video is insane