For those interested the source is: Return of the SSS-Class Ranker
For those interested the source is: Return of the SSS-Class Ranker
When I have to go my doctor when sick, I have to come at 11am to be among the first 5 people, for the doctor that comes and start’s working at 1pm.
Edit: last time I wen’t at the start of the year, I came at 11:30am, was 6th. By the time the doc came around 12:30am there were over 30 people waiting.
Too bad I don’t live in modern times, I only have a wood burning fireplace to heat up my house.
It’s also the same thing I cook on in winter.
Picture for reference.
To me it’s just a bother, I don’t mind people sitting next to me as long they don’t try to force interactions with me.
I hate it the most when I have my earphones in and wan’t to sleep but people try to talk with me to force a conversation when I’m not intereted.
If I’m in the mood to talk I will remove my earphones.
I will do it, so people don’t sit next to me.
Unless it’s full to the brim, then I might let someone sit next to me.
Average sign against gypsies, they actually destroyed a couple over here thinking they are coper.
I use nnn for file management.
It doens’t have a preview pane by default, but I don’t need it most of the time, so I just use the plugin for it when I need it.
Also supports quite a few other kinds of plugins and features like bookmarking.
Yea the title of the post is wrong, in the ss they never mentioned emulation.
I think your phone is, doesn’t hapen to me.
Sorry ma man, ain’t good at joking
I’m pretty sure lot’s of people don’t know samus is a woman.
If I ain’t wrong, the gender’s of those people in the pics is reverse than what’s said on top lol.
I tend to not worry about that, I live like expecting I might be around the very next second.
That way I ain’t paralyzed by thinking about the futute.
Keepassxc Password generator.
Or mpv, the real chad.
As someone who will sometimes end uo spending time just sitting on bed and scrolling instagram for ‘case oh memes’ for hour on end, I find even gaming as productive.
Especially when I realize that I have 509+ games backlog accumulated over 4 years of just buying games on sales and properly starting to play ganes this year.
Hi-fi rush, bulletstorm full clip edition and dead cells ( or atleast got the “ending” ).
Also god of war 2018 on my ps4, just remembered it.
Agree, hi-fi rush is the only game released in last tei years that I actually finished, and enjoyed doing so.
Don’t want them milking it for no reason, plus don’t see a need for a sequel.
If I’m not wrong in one episode is shown hoe the pineapple just dropped to sea bottom and he decided to mske it his home.
Only 3 months? Here it’s anywhere from 6 monthd ( mayne if lucky in 15% of cases ) up to 2 years.