lawyers don’t take stock options
hi i’m katy ✨.
i’m a cat mum to two cats; a calico and a tortie and i’m also a theatre kid. i currently possess too many houseplants.
i love renn faires, sewing, cosplay, and d&d.
en.pronouns.page/@pixiekat linktr.ee/cupcakezealot
(also at @cupcakezealot)
lawyers don’t take stock options
there’s also draculemmy - https://userstyles.world/style/10759/draculemmy-a-dracula-theme-for-lemmy :)
i wish piper could have been here since he coined the term icon but i know he was there in spirit <3 i’ll never forget watching sting at my dads house saturday nights (and then on mondays for nitro!)
as someone who grew up as a little stinger watching back in 1990 and 1991, it was so wonderful to be there to witness sting’s last ride. i was so angry at wwe for how they treated him; i’m so happy that tony and aew always treated sting with respect
aew also has the full thing on their youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4C2YFp1BBg
matthew and nicholas showing triple h how it should be done
darby how are you standing
i think nicholas and matthew want to be chased out of the state
darby no it’s stings retirement
gotta love how you have a match where all four in it want to put the others over so they just go out and have a match where the fans win
even wilder that darby didn’t turn on him
elevator vp
evil hangman makes me happy
he just hosted the rebirth launch event and looked and sounded great! :)
i just watched the magnum ta dark side of the ring and it really is uncanny how much adam page looks like him
he saw the sign that said moxley bleed on me and was like nah greensboro
it’s a matter of when not if that will turns on don :)
mariah with gold = gold
who has two thumbs and misses kenny omega? this girl
road warriors mox and claudio make me want a skywalkers match with them and ftr
my lasting memory of paul will always be his voice cracking when screaming “the halloween phantom” :)