Wait until you hear about how the colors white, brown, and the line of purples (purple/magenta/rose) work…
??? are you just resorting to bringing up completely unrelated shit to escape embarrassment? I imagined context could make it clear but mentioning “former communist countries” I was speaking of communist countries in history which formerly existed, but now no longer exist. If I meant countries which were communist but now aren’t, I would have specified “formerly communist countries”. Why would you even think it was implying that a country being communist in the past means it’s leftist in the present? How do you reason that?
Edit: lol apparently @cypherpunks@lemmy.ml or an admin is removing the replies because they speak of Lenin’s Gulags, dekulakization, and Mao’s Laogai. Funny what kind of comments get removed by .ml mods; apparently not comments trying to suddenly bring antisemitism into the conversation, and not comments pretending that saying sometimes in history leftist governments have interned kids means I must both be anti-leftist and making excuses for the US’ treatment of immigrants.
How do you, with a straight face, say “criticizing a communist leader/government means you hate jews”? You are simply resorting to making up “you’re an antisemite” out of thin air to invalidate others. I have literally not once mentioned judaism. I don’t even know if I’ve mentioned jews in my entire comment history before you randomly started blaming jews for alleged “anticommunism”.
You are using discrimination against jews as a tool to attempt silencing others. You accusing everyone else of being an “antisemite” is your way of avoiding your own responsibility and putting others in a box. Let me guess, you support the Israeli genocide of Palestinians and use “antisemite” to defend it too?
I don’t remember a time where kidnapping people and putting them into concentration camps away from their families made something not left, actually it seems pretty common in former and current communist countries lol…
but actually i meant “slightly more left” in the sense of economic-social matters, not… killing or kidnapping people matters. he has done quite a lot to improve social services and lessen the financial fuckedness of many government programs, for example.
Is it suddenly my fault that all you liberals sound the same? I think not… your mind-numbing conformity is on you - not me.
It’s your fault when you literally can’t read the first sentence in the comment. It’s also funny how you say that when you sound literally the exact same as everyone on red-fash reddit & lemmy instances and are literally insulting people by calling them “mind-numbingly conformist”. Do you not see the hypocrisy???
Calling random, usually leftist/socialist/anarchist, Lemmy users “liberals” itself is cringe. As well as even using the word “conformist” in this context. You are quite literally just throwing random no-no words at people you don’t like after making incorrect assumptions about their political ideologies. What exactly is a “liberal” to you?
Oh, are we backpedalling now? Wasn’t this you just a short while ago? “Calling someone a “capitalist Marxist” is fucking gold” Doesn’t seem like you’re all that certain of your own case all of a sudden - I wonder why?
Holy shit you can’t be serious, I literally say the phrase has multiple meanings IN THE NEXT CLAUSE OF THE SAME SENTENCE:
I mean depending on context/connotation of the word it isn’t always technically impossible (if that’s what you want to call class-conscious capitalists), but in this [context] it certainly is …
At this point you’re willingly ignoring what’s right in front of you to be pretentious and try to “win”.
The only things that the Biden administration has done that’s bad is genocide obviously, but a little genocide never hurt anybody… I guess you could try blaming him for inflation or gas prices, or the fallout of COVID-19, but that would be kind of dumb
You can, of course, say he hasn’t done enough, which wouldn’t be wrong, but the things he’s done have had a pretty positive effect on the country and have brought us at least a little closer to the left – even with an opposing congress. I can’t say I like how he treats, say, nationalism and the Middle East, but he’s at least somewhat redeemed himself from just being a “moderate Republican” I would say. At least his administration has brought in officials who are tougher on corporations, even if he’s still a corporate Democrat.
yea but unless you think you can convince half the population to chop every billionaire’s head off we’ll just have to deal with it until we die of climate change
Lol what, I’m not a Marxist dumbass. I’m not the guy you originally responded to, as I said in the first sentence. You look like a clown
Don’t go crying just because you were too stupid to realize that words have multiple meanings, and that he was referring to Marxism as an ideology rather than Marxism as a theory. Hint – many throughout history have used interpretations of Marx’s analysis and ideas of a democratic socioeconomic system to push for a Marxist implementation of socialist/communist society, hence Marxism as an ideology. It’s extremely straightforward to derive for normal people, but not you apparently.
Elaborate. You’re saying my comment has a bad generalization? Do you think that Lemmy’s demographic appeal wasn’t primarily towards males with niche usually tech-related interests? Or are you surprised that large parts of said nerdy male demographic (e.g. gamers, techbros, cryptobros, webdevs/software devs) often have sexist/misogynistic views and objectify/sexualize/"other"ify women significantly more than your average leftist, even if they don’t think they do?
If it’s the latter, do you really think that the claim large communities of mostly male gamers, techbros, and the like are often known for harboring much misogynist thinking, so it makes sense for that to carry over to a site which those groups primarily compose is baseless?
Or was your issue something else completely unrelated to the site’s former demographics and the general tendencies of technology-related communities?
Was it me saying that sexist attitudes are extremely common on the site? Because I did base that on numerous observations of users treating women like a different species and casually using very degrading sexist language when speaking about women. And people taking generalizations of women to the extreme, which seeing as you apparently hate generalizations you’d probably love to argue with them for. And people constantly complaining about women’s “privilege” and seemingly blaming them for men’s societal issues. What made me realize that I’m not just getting a bad sample is when I went to look on communities on Lemmy for women & non-binary folks and the literal first threads I saw were saying how they experienced the same things, like these, although they’re tamer than much of the stuff I sometimes see:
Near enough to be relatively confident in how much we won’t progress in terms of colonizing space. The general public severely underestimates the limits to space travel & survival. It’s not like I can tell you exactly what or when technology will be like in some exact point in the future, but it’d probably be a few hundred years until we could actually make nation-sized space colonies, and there’s pretty much no future where space habitation replaces or becomes greater than Earth habitation, unless we go ahead thousands if years. There were a few interesting astrophysics papers estimating that near-lightspeed and FTL travel tech is like 8000 years away lol.
“Future technology” can’t solve all of our problems. It’s not magic.
Pointing out casual misogyny/sexism, it’s extremely common on Lemmy (not surprising when the platform mostly only appealed to nerdy young dudes up until recently)
I’m not even the guy you originally responded to and I have no stake in this, I am simply telling you that your statements make you sound stupid.
Marxism is a socialist~communist socioeconomic/political philsosophy, and being a Marxist means you follow the ideals of said ideology, making you a socialist and/or communist (depending on the usage of the word). It does not simply (have to) mean you think “yeah the things Marx says about class are accurate”, it means you advocate for the solutions he describes for the industrialist plague.
Calling someone a “capitalist Marxist” is fucking gold lol, I mean depending on context/connotation of the word it isn’t always technically impossible (if that’s what you want to call class-conscious capitalists), but in this case it certainly is impossible since he’s clearly meaning it in the sense of someone who believes in implementing Marx’s socialism, not just someone who believes that what Marx says about politics/economy/power is accurate.
You are stupid
Lol space will NOT make any difference at all. That technology is not progressing at a rate where we could have millions, let alone billions of people inhabiting space in the near future. We’d also pretty much be completely limited to our solar system, meaning planet-wise we have maybe Mars and Europa and Titan at best… but there’s absolutely no chance of any meaningful colonial activity on those planets, Mars would probably have something similar to Antarctic research facilities on it but that’s about it.
Apparently he actually died in his car 2 days after a fruitless police raid, allegedly of “heart attack”.
It is not an “opinion”. It is fact.
Either way, religion has no real life basis, it’s not scientific. You can, however, use science to observe the mass murdering of children, destruction of cities, plowing down thousands of neighbourhoods to build highways, caused by SUVs and dependence on cars. The point is that SUV drivers do not respect life because SUVs exist to, and are popular solely to, be the bigger tank in car crashes, have a high hood so you kill pedestrians when you run them over, and endanger the lives of others for your own perceived (and fake) safety, while also blasting out a ton of pollution while you’re at it.
If religion is real to someone, they are crazy. Just as we shouldn’t entertain the delusions of a schizophrenic as real, we shouldn’t entertain the delusions of religious people as real. What matters is the actual observable scientific facts we have available to us, which supports things like ending car-centric infrastructure and not using SUVs and trucks if you don’t need them and are just doing errands the city in them like a loser. Civilization’s completely fucked by car emissions and SUVs have a higher pedestrian killcount than a hundred 9/11s but hey man gotta drive my kids to soccer practice in a tank, and besides the pastor said the rapture was imminent or something anyways.
Going to an atheism community or science-based community and saying “but religion might be real though, their bigotry is equally as valid as actual facts/science” and expecting anyone to take that seriously at all is crazy.