85 needs to be connected to 12v, not ground.
I think you may have just solved my problem. When I’ve used relays in the past, pin 85 was connected to ground, since I wanted the relay to close when the trigger went high. I’m not sure why it never occurred to me that I’m essentially trying to do the opposite thing here, since the horn is triggered when the trigger wire is connected to ground.
I’ve never worked with individual diodes, so I’m not sure about the correct terminology, but which way would I want the diode to “face”? Do I want it to allow current to run from the 12V source, through the added relay, to the horn switch wire, or the other way around?
Additionally, would I need to add an in-line resistor? It makes me a little nervous connecting the horn switch to 12V, given that I doubt it’s designed to carry a significant amount of current.
As a commuter, a big upgrade for me was getting a peircing loud bike horn. Despite having multiple bright lights and high-vis, I still have multiple close calls a week with cars not looking before turning. Having a way to get a driver’s attention without needing to rely on them even looking at all has been a huge benefit.
Additionally, this might be a controversial opinion, but I’ve found the wearing high-vis clothing often makes the issue worse. As a general rule, I try to select high-vis clothing that makes me look more like a motorcycle than a pedestrian. For example, I wear a reflective helmet and neon gloves, but not vests or shirts. When a driver waiting to emerge sees me, I want them to think “rapidly approaching vehicle” and not “slow moving pedestrian”.
I use my bike like a car, and I live in a rural area. I regularly ride 20-30mph to fit in with traffic, so my experience may differ from yours if you ride in a slower, more urban environment.