Hope you have a great day! Wishing you two all the best!
Hope you have a great day! Wishing you two all the best!
Ordered a subway sandwich, ate the whole thing, now in regret…
I make my own hotsauces and chili salsa’s. You can go crazy with recipes, while it can’t really go wrong. I also give them to friends who love them.
A friend of mine makes his own ciders (apple or pear). Very cheap to make with minimal investment. Easy to learn, hard to master.
I’ve been looking into making cheese, which apparently is also easy to do, and only requires some special cloth so low investment too.
If you’re not into food/drinks; my gf crochets and knits. She learned it from youtube, and can make some cool stuff!
I was talking to a friend about this who never heard of synesthesia, and though I was messing with him. I challenged him to write 50 random words on a piece of paper to which I would add colors. He took the paper, and a month or so later he read each word, to which I was able to flawlessly respond with the corresponding color. He did my chores for that week (we were roommates at that time).
That’s basically the only time it somewhat benifitted me. The rest of the time it’s people asking what color their names are whenever the topic comes up :)
I have color-grapheme synesthesia. I can use this super power to… Uhmm… It won me a bet once? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grapheme–color_synesthesia
My god it is; I had to jump through so many hoops to get it to do what I want…
Remember kids; assless chaps don’t exist, it’s just chaps. If they had asses, they’d be pants!
It’s good to know that in France, there is a required number of “working years” next to the retirement age. So for many people 64 is already not an option as they went to university for example. I often hear people argue that the French shouldn’t complain because in country X it’s age Y, but for a lot of French it’s already Y or >Y (I don’t know the exact details though as I’m not French, but have family there. So feel free to add or correct me)
Pork roast, live music and beer. You might’ve won the thread…