1 year ago@bstix everyone wants to be a movie star
I’m Donald Bede Cooley III, trying to live up to DBCI & DBCII standards. Lived thru Cold War, Civil Rights era, supported Gore’s message. Believed in the “Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.”
I’ve worked as an engineering and/or project management consultant in various industries, eg: space, transp, defense, oil, food, steel, medicine…, retired in '16. Now I’m an ombudsman for my refugee friends. I love science, all fields, write code for fun.
I refurbish donated bicycles for folks in need.
@bstix everyone wants to be a movie star
When I drove a “food rescue van” for a local food pantry collecting birthday cakes from the grocery stores’ bakeries was the height of my day. People who shopped at the pantry were registered; when they checked in volunteers checked for kids with birthdays coming soon & notified the volunteers assisting shoppers to give them a cake.
I sometimes hung around to watch the faces as folks left with them. There was almost at least one every day. I sometimes got 4 or 5 cakes on a trip.