Few things on this planet scare me as much as misfolded prions. Disgusting freaks of nature, turning organisms into living evil paperclip factories!
Global namespace extremist. Defragment your communities!
Few things on this planet scare me as much as misfolded prions. Disgusting freaks of nature, turning organisms into living evil paperclip factories!
Multiple good hypotheses here. I’d like to add my own. The governments can be viewed as a modern iterations of religious cults, and there is no bigger taboo in a religious organization than questioning the basic dogma.
Try to question democracy in a democratic republic and you immediately get the weird looks, and irrational dismissal. 9 times out of 10 this self preservation instinct is good and beneficial to everyone involved, because giving a benefit of doubt to closeted authoritarians would be a mistake. That one time somebody really wants to have an honest discussion, it simply sucks.
If it does not help, try limiting the maximum number of active connections in qbittorrent.
The pose, the blue robe… What is Homelander doing… The who? Mexican president?
You won’t believe what happened next!
16 wind turbines? This is ridiculous, considering all of their solar plants can be remotely disabled using a set of 6 radios, destabilizing the whole european power grid in a snap.
Yes. Because the value if everything is relative.
You’ve just used the word “normie”. Why would anyone even read the rest of the post?
When you stop voting for maniacs messing with our monetary sytem, we can shut the bitcoin down. Until then, hands off my sudoku.
to educate themselves
In other words, to do their own research?
I’ll show myself out…
The opposite. I’m afraid I will waste my life procrastinating, not even being aware of what it has to offer.
Yet somehow the same people can be trusted to select the best among them to make the rules for everyone.
Not sure about the human speech, but there is a certain mongolian string instrument able to perfectly immitate a horse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4xZUr0BEfE (4:41)
But also more open for the vendors to come up with new and creative ways to violate the protocol.
I sense huge r/antiwork vibes. I hope it will be at least as much fun.
not everyone prescribed these drugs should have access to them.
What the hell did I just read?
Don’t forget the occasional random feeling of guilt!
Just make sure any power saving features are disabled. That is, if the 3000km journey to wiggle the mouse is not on your bucket list.
Bad bot!