There’s a reason GenX trained on hopper. Too bad the newer generations don’t have something equivalent
There’s a reason GenX trained on hopper. Too bad the newer generations don’t have something equivalent
I don’t know the answer to your question, but I’ll add that I’ve seen major cities that have overhead yellow flashing light boxes that mean “you must stop if there is a pedestrian crossing the road”
Agreed… although I would go a step further and say distributing the LLM model or the results of use (even if done without cost) is not fair use, as the training materials weren’t licensed.
Sorry, it’s not sovereign CA territory. The use of the land was granted in perpetuity to CA, the land remains French.
I don’t know what we you’re referring to, but in the part of central Ontario where my nephew attends school, the French immersion schools are most definitely teaching Quebecois French.
I tried speaking real French with my nephew and he reacted as if I was a space alien.
Sure looks like it.
The Tribunal was created in 2014 to bring a new approach to international environmental law, modelled on approaches to war crimes and human rights. Although the tribunal’s rulings are non-binding, they have a track record of impacting outcomes on the ground.
Because only rich Ukranians could afford them, and the rich ones fled Ukraine when the war kicked up.
This feels like an inside joke. I definitely don’t get it.
Fully serious here, how is this series/season 2? I understand restarting numbering for the 2005 series, which started more than a decade after the original, but how is this not series/season 15?
Bring forth the shears of stumping!
That actually sounds really fun. My dad kept chickens, and I swear every single one was an ahole to me - but he also made no effort to socialize them with human contact…so…yeah, I guess that explains a lot in retrospect.
The advances in cancer research and treatment in the last 40 years is crazy too.
In grade six (80s) I lost one of my cohorts to leukemia. It was a long road for her to her passing, with the stereotypical no hair and sick every day looking worse and worse.
My neighbor’s grade 6 kid has a friend with leukemia and now they’re “just” sick “every once in a while” because they had chemo the previous day and they’re supposed to avoid sports, but is expected to be fine before they go to high school. Wild.
That’s good to hear. I like knowing that animals are being treated well.
I loved the idea of navidrome and also briefly ran an instance, and like you use plexamp heavily. I stopped using Navi because one day it broke, and I found the plexamp experience just better.
Maybe it’s time to try again.
Jellyfin is actually open source and free. Totally self hosted. Emby is closed source and has a licensing model similar to Plex’s.
Maybe they’re worried the chicken was used as a dick coozy.
And if you want them gone, you can pay for the app. It’s not like you’re stuck with them.
The problem is that for us there is a big difference between municipally run, province-run, and federally run parks. We also have private parks, privately owned but publically accessible parks, and of course, amusement parks.
It’s being presented in such a way that makes it look like malicious/nefarious tracking is in place, when in reality it has to do with ad analytics.