/usr/share? How is a random app getting write permissions to that?
/usr/share? How is a random app getting write permissions to that?
I mean, wouldn’t the game not happening be such a big deal that even people who aren’t normally interested would tune in just to see all the drama? I never watched it, but if such a protest happened I would likely be interested to see that.
Why are you posting stuff about some other OS on a Linux sub? Maybe try some general technology one.
Many great games wouldn’t be released without the current system giving them a chance. Shovelware is a problem, but I think it’s a fairer alternative.
More of a meta comment, but are all organisations stuck with their slogans forever?
NFL rotates these messages and this game it moves from “End racism” to “Choose love”. Next it will rotate again and people will be upset they removed the “Choose love” slogan because they are anti-LGBT?
Google changes their motto from “Don’t be evil” to “Do the right thing” and everyone is upset. One day they will change it again and everyone will be upset because of course they are not doing the right thing anymore?
Both NFL and Google are evil and deserve no sympathy, but I wonder what’s the expectation here? Never change any slogan?
To be fair, breadsmasher didn’t ask if it’s the public motto, they asked if they removed it. And they didn’t remove it, as it’s still in the public code of conduct.
Gotta use that Anti-bio Beam
The 6-figues line could very well be a joke without the story being untrue.
I see nothing wrong with using it if you already have it.
BambuLab is not to be trusted, they are anti-consumer and remove features after purchase
You don’t need to update
If I have to careful to defend something I bought against the manufacturer remotely bricking it, then maybe it’s not a product I’d recommend
Right? I keep a list of every single company/service that I gave my email address, physical address, or phone number to. Every time I give it out I add it to the list. When it needs changing I go through the list and update it in all of them.
They are no loops and repeated links to avoid. Every link leads to a brand new, freshly generated page with another set of brand new, never before seen links. You can go deeper and deeper forever without any loops.
That’s the point. There is nothing strange or shady about the fact that things you type into DeepSeek.com are sent to DeepSeek.com. Obviously keystrokes you submit to a website are submitted to the website.
I found ChatGPT useful a few times, to generate alternative rewordings for a paragraph I was writing. I think the product is worth a one-time $5 purchase for lifetime access.
Linting rules and scripts should never live in an IDE-specific directory.
Of course they should. Obviously it shouldn’t be the only place they are, but committing IDE code styles settings that match the externally-enforced project styles is absolutely helpful.
Or, in our project we have a bunch of scripts that you can run manually, but we also have commited IntelliJ run configurations that make running them a convenient in-IDE action.
Did anyone read the tweet? They are defending their decision not to change the name, because the change isn’t official. No, they haven’t “announced they will change the name”.
Yeah, you can logically conclude based on that that they will update it once it’s official, but the reporting is the opposite of what they said.
Surely I am allowed to sell fictional maps? If I can sell a map of Middle-Earth, I can sell a map of a fictional world where a Gulf of Mexico exists.
Yeah, the “may” totally changes it. If the jury thinks the defendant is not guilty, then it’s just a not guilty verdict, not jury nullification. For it to be jury nullification, the jury has to think the defendant is guilty.
Gamers Nexus I find often dragging on, they can’t seem to edit their videos well. The technical details are good and the reviews well done, but the host has such a self-important demeanor it’s hard to listen to. The recent shift from tech to drama/attack videos is also disappointing. Hardware unboxed and level1techs is much better in my opinion.