Great screenshot
“Nazi Zionism will not win”
Great screenshot
“Nazi Zionism will not win”
D’you get any sleep?
Listening material: https://guerrillahistory.libsyn.com/the-deng-reform-period-w-ken-hammond-modern-chinese-history-pt-4
You can also buy Ken’s book, I haven’t read it, but I plan to in the near future
Book: https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/Library:China%27s_Revolution_and_the_Quest_for_a_Socialist_Future
Get this Zionist asshole out of here
Found this sticker in Berlin. Awful place
on the Gwydir Highway, approximately 20 kilometres east of Glen Innes
This reporter has failed to mention that this location is called Bald Nob.
“Bald Knob wrecks his bike and ends his life at Bald Nob” was a way cooler headline
According to the New York Times, Kennedy has said he also experienced mercury poisoning around the time he had learned of his parasitic infection.
What the fuck is this man doing in his free time?
Have you considered that this very talented musician is a sole trader and they ARE going to handle all those roles…for 27 years straight?
I for one love the hardworking attitude of this hypothetical musician and therefore love Billionaires
Is this chud referring to the lead singer from Tool dressing in drag? Are there any other Maynards?
It is a wholesome “Human Shields” float. Depending on the messaging of that day, every person is embedded in Hamas, or every person is a human shield for Hamas.
The interviewer is fucking deluded, same as any Australian settler. He probably thinks Ghassan is fighting for an acknowledgement of country at the start of some Israeli ceremonies.
Happy reading
There are some specific incel groups for non-whites, they have to sidestep the white supremacy that is foundational to incel “theory”.
Yes, not to the same extent as in Europe, but the USSR were making big headway into Japan after liberating Berlin. Avoiding a situation where Japan surrendered to the Soviets was one motivating factor for the use of nukes.