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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • In addition to what others have commented, communist and all other flavors of political parties are protected under the german constitution as long as they aren’t anti-democratic or call for violations of basic human rights. That’s because the right to form a party and express your political opinion is also protected in the constitution. So ironically it is really hard to ban fascist parties because the highest court would have to prove that their exercising their freedom to form a political party is in conflict with other basic rights and freedoms.

  • As long as the car is safe, somewhat fuel efficient, and maintenance doesn’t cost you an arm and leg, it’s a smart decision to keep driving that old car. Nothing depreciates in value quite as quickly as new cars. Don’t worry too much about your friends’ comments. Cars are a status symbol, and people who don’t follow the mainstream consumerism of buying a fancy new model open themselves up to some remarks. But it doesn’t matter as long as you are happy with it.

  • I’ve been an exchange student in high school, and my family hosted two of them. Im from Germany, and the exchange was with US students. My personal experience was interesting, I stayed with a mormon family in Utah, and it was a very different life than I was used to from my rather liberal upbringing. Not necessarily in a way that bothered me as most of the people at school also were Mormon and had more or less strict Mormon parents. But yeah, it was just very different. Going to church every Sunday, praying together with family and reading their religious texts, small acts of community service under the umbrella of the church. Their lives were very much defined by their religion and the social circle they built at church. I wouldn’t necessarily say that I kept any of their habits or beliefs long-term, although some stuck with me for a couple of months after I returned home. I do believe that the experience made me more open-minded and inclined to understand others rather than judge them.

    The first student we hosted actually stayed with us in the year before I went to the US. He was kind and sociable, and we could tell he was having a good time during his year. I think he also realized some things about himself that he hadn’t known before, so that’s great. That’s the biggest advantage, you go through so much personal growth during that year, which can really help you get ahead of your peers if you can utilize it.

    The other student we hosted had a rougher time, and I think it came down to not really finding connection at school. But he did end up staying the year with us and visited again a couple of years later, so I’d say it was overall still a positive experience for him and our family.

  • Ich finde es schon ziemlich extrem dass der Durchschnitt bei 16% liegt. Ich kann mir beim besten Willen nicht vorstellen dass 16% der von Ärzten verschriebenen Maßnahmen sinnlos wären. Wobei es in den USA auch nicht verwunderlich wäre wenn Ärzte mittlerweile mehr Behandlungen empfehlen weil sie eben wissen dass nur ein Teil davon genehmigt wird. Kein Wunder dass niemand dem CEO dessen Versicherung diese Statistik anführt, nachtrauert.