It’s revolting to picture that fucking goblin there spouting hateful garbage about vulnerable groups and encouraging their further marginalisation while the other demons and vampires attending are nodding along
Nordic Catholic Church
Is there a Swedish Pope somewhere
Whenever I hear “defrocked” I for some reason imagine some sort of bishop coming in and pantsing them
Sounds preferrable to the Catholic Church or whatever’s going on with American Protestantism tbh
I simultaneously admire the game for having the balls to do the camp level with giant smokestacks belching smoke from incinerated Nazi victims looming overhead while also feeling like with a few aesthetic changes you could’ve passed it off ass a Combine labour camp from Half-Life
Also I looked up what happens if you save Wyatt instead of Fergus, and the African-American resistance member that shows up in his timeline tells Blaskowicz “back home, YOU guys were the Nazis” after talking about his experiences in 1940s America. So yes, there definitely is some discussion of racism even in TNO. If this game had come out a few years later, gamers would have gone nuclear over that scene
I think the Nazis relying on stolen ancient Jewish technology is meant to be both ironic and a riff on Raiders of the Lost Ark, but yes, the whole globe-spanning ancient Jewish order of super scientists was my least favourite part of the game’s plot and introduces a bunch of questions that the game just handwaves away
This is just that one old Russian joke
A communist dies and goes to heaven. He was an honest man, albiet an atheist, so God and the Devil decide to rotate him between Heaven and Hell each year. One year passes, and Satan returns him to God. “Take him, please! He turned all my young demons into Young Pioneers!” God accepted and he was sent to Heaven.
Satan returns a year later. “Lord God, I believe it’s my turn.”
God sighs, and says “Firstly, don’t call me Lord God - I go by Comrade now. Secondly, God doesn’t exist. Third, shut up, or I’ll be late for the Party meeting!”
Isn’t TNC the one about fighting Nazis in America? TNO takes place entirely in Europe. That also sounds like a play on MAGA, which wouldn’t have been a thing in 2014 but very much would have been in 2017
Wolfenstein: The New Order came out in May, Gamergate started in August
It’s interesting that gamers shat themselves over the sequel and not over this game. Again, I haven’t played TNC yet, but in The New Order the Resistance leader is a middle-aged woman in a wheelchair with short hair and tattoos
who gets a suit of Jewish power armour near the end and uses it to wreck Nazis
Also, it’s very mean to the Nazis whom gamers love.
I wonder if it’s just because The New Order came out a few months before Gamergate started
I’m a bit torn on how the Nazis are portrayed. On one hand, as far as pop culture depictions of the Nazis go, I think TNO (I haven’t played the other games yet) does a really good job as showing them as grotesquely monstrous and detestable without making them too whacky or silly, but their genocidal racism is heavily downplayed. In the world of Wolfenstein, there’s no ongoing Holocaust, anti-semitism or any other kind of specific racism. The Nazis just go on about how superior they are as Aryans and equally hate everyone not German. On the other hand, their genocidal ableism does get portrayed on screen very explicitly and there’s mentions of homophobia and transphobia.
I guess there are limits to what you can put in a game that is at the end of the day supposed to be a fun romp where you shoot at Nazi stormtroopers with dual-wielded laser rifles until they explode into chunky salsa but it does still occasionally feel kind of sanitised
The Alex Kurtzman clip they showed where he says that the utopia seen in classic Star Trek isn’t possible without people willing to do “dirty work” behind the scenes was fucking infuriating
Of course the Federation needs a secret space CIA to murder whoever stands in its way because that’s what America does
You can upload videos as images if they’re compressed enough
Very similar to Halo, I think. The original devs, Epic and Bungie, ended their respective Xbox franchises on pretty definite notes but Microsoft had to keep them going with new devs who in turn had to come up with something
Reminds me of how in the Gears of War series humanity almost goes extinct by the end of the third game but in the 25-year time jump between that and the fourth game, the survivors re-establish the horribly callous quasi-fascist military dictatorship that ultimately caused the apocalypse in the first place. One of the main characters even goes on to develop an army of police robots that are deployed to kill anyone opposed to the state and nobody questions this at all
I mean, the Gears of War games are all incredibly stupid, but still
they were fine with bringing back chattel slavery
Is this why I saw gamers saying that TNO was good but TNC “went too SJW”
Drowning a Nazi in his own piss for a bit but then deciding him to stab him in the brain instead wasn’t as punchy
It’s Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath, but it’s also heavily Western-themed