But I can agree that in politics are few people with enough charisma to lead. She is one of them.
But I can agree that in politics are few people with enough charisma to lead. She is one of them.
Notley political quadrant is vidtually idebtical to Carney… She ditched progressive agenda in hunt of power
Carney already axed Labour minister position… I think the message is clear. Unions should prop some other party that actually cares for unions. NDP is one of them.
Same Liberals that every single time, given the opportunity to support unions, moved against them? BAD move.
I may dislike both, maybe even a lot. But the fact that in Canadian politics there’s still room for dialogue between representatives of two parties that are perceived as opposed to each othe gives me a glimmer of hope for us.
Danielle very much is behind it.
lookup CUSMA visa… Equivalent of TN for Canadians. If your profession falls into covered category all you need a job offer at the border. You could come over on tourist visa, scout for work, get offer, go back to the border, stamp visa in and enjoy Canada
men-children at work: I’ll slapnyou with bagilion-gazillion taxes on random stuff! Humanity has degraded to preschooler politics.
do you even read? He’s arguing to remove all big money from politics red or blue… which part of that is “voting blue oligarchs”?
What amazes me is how consistently the only two people that argue on behalf of people get scoffed at. AOC and Bernie are the only hope of sanity US has… they really need their own party and “steal” all the voters from under Dems… but Bernie is spent, AOC is not ready for this heavy lift… while everyone is busy knocking them both down. good job, keep at it.
erm… he bid for presidential chair twice, got torpedoed by Dems twice… he’s been punching above his weight all the way, considering he’s Independent and Dems have no obligation to listen to him at all, they have actually ended up following his lead as he was putting progressive items on agenda that others had to copy. For a single man he’s done a LOT. For a guy outside the party to get support that he’s got within the party is already an accomplishment.
is there a party capable of carrying the election outside of the two? I can guarantee that if viable party was formed with progressive program he’d dump Dems… As it stands american electoral system forces him to support one of the two evils. For goodness sake they’ve torpedoed him twice now… so I don’t think it’s alegiance… it’s sheer pragmatism.
he does not. He’s arguing for collective action, once that is on the table blue or red will have to answer to demands of the many. So, no, he’s not asking to vote blue, he’s asking to grab pitchforks… that guy is Independent and caucused with dems but he never shied away from lambasting Dems.
he did say that Canada would be annexed with no representation… so no worries about left shift… also think that whatever party would be in power that surrenders to POTUS47 would immediately become local unelectable pariah, considering polls currently it’d be Libs. So the pressure is rather to push for Cons… what they can’t comprehend is that Canada is not US and it creates some serious pusback
Liberals were always representing business and investment communities in much the same way Cons do, the only difference is their posturing on social issues. We only have toothless NDP to represent people… this electoral system sucks and sucks big time. we need more parties, more voices and we cannot have party representing 30% of population pretend like “it’s got mandate” and it’s “majority”. Voting should be mandatory and number of seats should represent percentage of population represented. Spoiled ballots should be represented with empty seats and “majority” rules should be the absolute majority. If no absolute majority available for decision it’s to be put to plebiscite. That may get us some semblance of Democracy in it’s true sense.
NDP should really go back to Social Democratic roots and double down on them. That is the only thing that can differentiate them from Libs and Cons. Present arrangement granted NDP great leverage, being in minority they were able to push through a lot of great items. Can’t hope for this now. They Have To stand out.
great. then we shall ban any conservative think-tanks funded from abroad or by multinationals…
They could’ve stripped president of immunity and most powers on the way out and complicated process of restoring that… which would be very democratic yet they’ve failed to do that
They could’ve “poisoned the well” by locking the status quo and forcing legislation timelines to be 2yr+ so that nothing gets canceled until next midterms muzzling GOP and they could’ve stripped POTUS of his powers by POTUS submitting an executive order etc… multiple ways to go about it and they did not touch a single one other than “pardons”…
so, with POTUS47 so blatantly (ab)using superpowers granted to him WHY did Biden fail to use even fraction of the same powers to protect the country?
Keep in mind that last election their support base shrunk and NDP genuinely gained a lot. And now their Trump antics may become a liability in next elections. So hopefully they’ll dip into minority territory.