je comprends la réserve, mais c’est bien le but de cette communauté, présenter les entreprises européennes ?
à la con
je comprends la réserve, mais c’est bien le but de cette communauté, présenter les entreprises européennes ?
ups den link hatte ich nicht gesehen. unter dem Original Link hatte ich allerdings auch auf Firefox unter Mint nix gesehen.
hier Link via archive.ph https://archive.ph/rFSaJ
I remember seeing similar photos from people using magical mineral solution, i.e. chlorine dioxide, which attacks the gut lining… (worst was people using it on their toddlers). some people are so fucking stupid
der Link funktioniert nicht, da die schließende Klammer Teil des Links ist
nur das hier gefunden für den 1. Februar https://www.instagram.com/zusammengegenrechts.essen/
Haben die echt keine richtige Website? brr
Regenmann will’s auch wissen (ab Sek 43) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jrv0MFVz-DQ
it’s bullets to the heart https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronnie_Lee_Gardner
mehrere Pfannen für unterschiedliche Anwendungen: Gusseisen, Edelstahl, geschmiedete Eisenpfanne.
la jeunesse emmerde le front national
This does not seem to be correct. The law itself does not specify a specific format nor does it posit a limit on the number of rights exercised per request. Here are some (German) templates which one might use. I’m pretty sure similar documents exist in other EU countries.
It might be a good idea to send a registered letter with reply advice (Einschreiben mit Rückschein).
Good luck
this is stupid, of course you can https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birnen,_Bohnen_und_Speck
should be a typo.
it’s 10 Zentner (50kg) so 250kg total.
the article is somewhat thin but it links the original nature publication https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-024-79838-6
in Germany at least, there has been a huge shift in academic psychology from being a more or less liberal arts (Geisteswissenschaften?) subject to becoming much more grounded in the natural sciences (read: biology, neurosciences, medicine, experiments, statistics). thus, when i did my degree Reich was only mentioned in history of psychology courses, Adorno not all. my understanding is that Freud et al are still discussed in liberal arts subjects
happy hardcore
i Kind of doubt it. in a video i saw if the process they were using hardfired bricks. i don’t believe any organic compounds would survive the heat.
(dung might be a better term for what you were referring to. i seem to remember that because of the way they feed their cattle the dung has a very high fibre content which makes it a good source for building material. it’s nowhere as gross as the diarrhea like consistency we get from cows in Europe)
Das Titelbild hat die Haltung der FDP zum Schwangerschaftsabbruch und die Fokussierung der FDP “Mentalitätswechsel zu mehr Leistungsbereitschaft” zum Thema. Geschmacklos? sicherlich, null mit FDP-Politik auseinanandersetzend? Sicher nicht. nurmeinebeidenpfennige