Lifelong blue-voter. Watched the SotU. He did a good job and certainly shut down the age argument a bit. I would still prefer to see younger candidates - I think Biden is out of touch.
My thoughts are that we just haven’t made any progress on issues that affect the largest demographics of the population. A couple off the top of my head:
- Corporate greed is driving inflation for food and homes while wages have stagnated.
- College is prohibitively expensive and student loans are predatory (even federal loans). We are robbing our youth of a future.
- Gun control progress is basically non existent despite more school shootings.
A lot of my feelings can be summed up as the middle class is being squeezed too hard. We need more money or less expenses (school, healthcare, childcare, mortgage, rent, food, etc). I don’t see Biden doing anything here except ask nicely “pretty please snack companies stop gouging us” during the Superbowl. I also feel very gaslit because every day I see articles and press releases claiming how great the economy is, but my eyes and ears tell a very different story.
Maybe Biden can’t fix these things without a functional Congress but I wish Dems wouldn’t lie and instead give us a real plan to fix the country. It’s really hard to get excited about voting blue when all we see is more aid for Israel and corporations instead of the people.
I’ve seen this posted elsewhere. Apparently it also doesn’t show results for “Joe Biden rigged election”