I would start to suspect my employers of bank robbery.
I would start to suspect my employers of bank robbery.
But Paxton will appeal to the Texas Supreme Court which, being full of Republican sycophants, will give him the ruling he wants.
That at the end, was that a fully overclocked Mk3 miner outputting at full speed?
My dad tried treating his cancer with naturopathic remedies. They, uh, weren’t doing anything. Then he had a stroke and was confined to the hospital for months. The hospital, naturally, gave him real treatments for cancer. He died about a year later, but his last test showed no cancer markers.
If I didn’t already own my house, I couldn’t afford to buy it.
The only way to stop a dumb guy with a gun is a good dumpster with a gun
Organize, O toilers, come organize your might;
Then we’ll sing one song of the workers’ commonwealth
Full of beauty, full of love and health.
I’ve seen an elderly man working at the HEB I frequent. He looks frail. I wouldn’t want to be bagging groceries at his age.
Have you shopped eBay for used switches?
Rule of Acquisition #91: Your boss is only worth what he pays you
Inflation is like acceleration, prices are like speed. If you’re in a space ship moving at a fixed speed, you are* moving* in a direction. Acceleration means your speed is increasing. You’re moving in a direction, faster than before. If you stop accelerating, you’re still moving and you keep all the speed you gained from when you were accelerating. The only way to slow down is to decelerate-- put energy into moving the opposite direction. That would be equivalent to deflation, which has historically been very bad for the economy.
Watch as the Texas Supreme Court reverses this and gives Paxton whatever he wants. They don’t even pretend to be unbiased.
Small enough to fit in a woman’s vagina
Perhaps you missed the sarcasm of “spread democracy”. I was referring to the United States’ history of invading or meddling in countries with oil. I don’t know why you think ownership is any obstacle to possession.
Try systemctl --user restart pipewire pipewire-pulse
Texas would find itself a majority brown-skinned country with oil. You know, the kind of country the United States loves to “spread democracy” to.
It’s WA when it’s used as a particle and HA when not used as a particle. The Japanese government attempted to standardize WA sounds to わ after WWII, and was mostly successful, but the は particle stuck around, seemingly due to inertia. Lots of languages have little oddities in pronunciation that aren’t reflected in spelling, or vice versa. Where do the British get the F in lieutenant?
If I could read a book in its original language versus an English translation, I would. Alas, I am a monoglot.
Don’t know how to resolve the mystery box the whole season pivots on? Just reveal there’s another mystery box inside it.
You really think a company would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?