Thank you for explaining it to me.
Thank you for explaining it to me.
Yeah we aussies know how badly we treated our indigenuos people too, the new zealanders were better, as I said. I’m still going to shill for anyone who stands up to trump. We live in the prrsent.
Bathrooms are practically stimulation-less spaces.
Disagree. The water is perfect stimulation. The way it touches your skin, the temperature control, the rain sound, the blocking of all else. A shower is stimulatory contentment.
It’s sad that all I can do as an Aussie is buy some real maple syrup. It also says a lot about what Canada gives to the world. There’s a damn good reason that Americans put the Canadian flag on their backpacks. We say here that New Zealand is to Australia what Canada is to America. They are our better, kinder sibling, the ones who didn’t join the war, the ons with more honour and integrity. Go Canada.
Fair call, but how will they get along with evangelical christians dying for the apocalypse?
Yeah, that sounds like what people said about project 2025, i dont believe the ‘he doesnt mean it’ crowd.
My dude you forgot women. Women are the prime target of all religion. They’ll end no fault divorce, end marital rape, institute child marriage and call it all gods fucking plan to procreate. The right to vote will only belong to male heads of family.
Genuine question: if israel wants to expand their territory, and it seems clear that they do, why would they want to give gaza to christian americans? Isnt total control their aim? Why would they let america take territory they see as their owm.
You’re an idiot. Criminals see patterns and take advantage. If i walk through the same streets and park every night and they see me every night they can easily predict my behaviour and take advantage. I have a decent paying job, plenty of money and a vagina. I am at risk. Grow the fuck up.
I think we would agree that for profit prisons are an absolute atrocity. I harbour a lot of hate for certain types of criminals, but for profit prison is downright evil and corrupt right off the bat. Protecting the public must include rehabilitation or you’re just releasing monsters. I would separate violent and non violent, i would also throw every intervention at the problem and see what works, employ the success stories, end poverty fist and foremost. In my opininion, incarceration is necessary mostly because society has failed, in some caes it is however, unavoidable.
I appreciate your perspective and experience on the subject. Thank you.
The use case is that research must not focus solely on white men. Look at heart attacks in women for an example. Medical research absolutely requires diversity in order to serve the needs of everyone.
Ok, lets apply the paradox of tolerance to islamic views on women and lgbtq people. I remember clinton meeting with the taliban while everyone thought ferengi were hilarious. Im that old. and modern misogyny is no fucking surprise. They called the misogynistic ads ironic, and sending kids child porn was ironic, and 4chan racism was ironic. None of it was ironic and the stupid assholes in society have only been strengthened by the internet. Freedom of speech allowed nazis to walk the streets of america and now you have the result.
They do do weird things, but i went through 13 years of reddit and youtube with no adds at all so i think the weirdness is cool lol, i remember when evetyone stopped using firefox and i just never left, no ads, no worries lmao, meanwhile reddit was screaming about adds and everyone had to have chrome, i never got it.8
Before election:
Fuck Kamala
After election:
Fuck Kamala
You got anything to say about what’s actually happening?
Does imagining everyone that is locked behind bars as a violent rapist make you feel safe?
No, the vast majority never go to prison. I gave it as an example, i dont think you are pro rape. It’s just an example of incarcarating people in order to protect society. I believe that protecting people is the primary goal of incarceration. Better rehabilitation would obviously help this endeavour. I disagree completely with the idea of no incarceration as this would allow violence to flourish with no protection for those under threat.
Bypass paywalls clean is the name, it doesnt work on everuthing but i have no problem with the nyt. There are a million firefox addons, i get mine from internet comments. I recommend ublacklist which lets you block websites from google search results, eg no more facebook, twitter, instagram.
Lets discuss freeing violent rapists.
The democrats lost, the war is over, im australian but you americans had better get it together fast because your opposition is killing you. Stop arguing about the past and fight for the future. Seriously. The best i can hope for right now is that the USA goes so badly wrong that even your average bogan Aussie votes left. Kamala is such old news, focusing on her is a distraction that seems designed to let the broligarchy slide.
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