I’m using sftp in Keepass2Android to sync the file while I’m at home. When I’m not at home, it uses the local copy on the phone.
When the password file has changed on my home server and on the phone, Keepass2Android will ask if it should merge the databases. I’m not sure what Syncthing would do in that situation.
If you refresh the page you can see a link to an article.
Apparently the Galaxy A16 5G gets 6 years of updates.
Die Idee einer Gesichtserkennung auf Pornoseiten zur effektiven Alterskontrolle klingt auf dem Papier zunächst recht überzeugend: Nutzer schalten ihre Webcam ein und eine KI analysiert in Sekundenschnelle, ob sie alt genug für die Schmuddelecke des Internets sind.
Was klingt daran denn überzeugend? Nicht einmal Menschen können das Alter von anderen Menschen bestimmen, wenn sie vor ihnen stehen. Wie soll denn eine KI rausbekommen, ob jemand 17 ein halb oder 18 ist?
If you would say 1 name per second and wouldn’t stop to eat, drink or sleep, it would take more than 10 years.
Are you sure about A3? A3 is twice the size of A4, not half of it.
Für diejenigen, die noch nie was von Maränen gehört haben:
In Süddeutschland ist die Maräne unter dem Namen Felchen oder Renke bekannt.
Yes. Or 100W.
0.1kWh per hour can be written as 0.1kWh/h, which is the same as 0.1kW.
I’m quite happy with my Tasmota outlets. They don’t have a display, but I have a thing with a display already with me, so why would I need another display at the outlet, which would make it bulkier and more inconvenient to use.
Do you mean 0.1kWh per hour, so 0.1kW or 100W?
My N100 server needs about 11W.
I think it’s a matter of scale. Electrocution of line workers, the home owner or renter should be prevented by an automatic disconnect switch (in/before the inverter of the balcony solar system). Without that switch you could have power on the pins of the plug, and that would be very dangerous.
I agree. zgrep also works for uncompressed files, so we could use e.g. zgrep ^
instead of zcat.
The Good Doctor.
I don’t know about normal people, but our green vice chancellor Robert Habeck recently returned to X because he doesn’t want to leave X to loudmouths and populists.
I ran it twice and got 173 (greener than 57%) and 176 (bluer than 75%).
I’m sure my uncalibrated monitor with a Color Temperature of “Off” helped a lot.
Domradio.de is made by the archdiocese Cologne. They don’t know about such church records and they write:
As beautiful as the story is, it is also unlikely. In the 17th century, nativity plays were forbidden in churches. There is also no written evidence of the story anywhere. However, there is evidence of a church connection. In 1957, Gregory Keller applied for a patent in the USA for the first industrial machine for making candy canes. And Keller was a Catholic priest.
(Translated by DeepL)
They also made sure to note that “Matrix is also the name of a company and communication protocol of the same name, which has nothing to do with the crypto communication service Matrix.”
The About page on lemmyapps.com says:
If you run into any issues, please email support at lemmyapps dot com. I will try to get back to you within 24 hours.
The order is source target, just like with cp. “source” is the existing thing and “target” is the new thing.