In us bribes are legal and are called “lobbying”. It was a broken country from the very start.
In us bribes are legal and are called “lobbying”. It was a broken country from the very start.
Using software made by people who are politically aligned to sell out your country to russia is stupid stupid stupid and makes you an idiot, idiot, idiot.
Its not just politics when the politics are treason and electing a kgb asset. In a normal country and time it wouldn’t be a big thing wether your browser maintainer wants feee public transit or not but in current time right wing means you literally voted to destroy the entire us in order to weaken nato for the russian invasion.
What rehabilitation have the offending parties on brave gotten beyond amassing wankers who make excuses for them?
Yeah its an ubisoft copy-paste game. It is a bad game cause they don’t make any good games.
But american conservatives are mad that some shitty ass sci fi slop game from a terrible developer is not 100% historically accurate since they want an samurai to be white texan instead of black.
I understand not getting these sarcastic joke posts on reddit since avarage reddit user is an idiot. But lemmy people who don’t have commie symbolism in their name deserve 3 rereads and a think at least.
I mean have you seen those realistic pen portraits on youtube! Incredible art! those dumb modern artists and those middle age assholes painting fantasy trash have nothing on those!
more like everyone else is mad those millions of dollars could’ve been used as anything else other than to make a 2/10 remake of a classic nobody wants to watch.
I mean sure, do not use the two eyes you have and take a look at lemmy ux vs reddit and vs a forum. lemmy is literally the reddit we have at home. The fact its tons of different reddits we have at home connected is the only difference. Not even bait, this is what everyone normal sees.
Its okay, its better to vent on internet than in real life.
Id like a subaru brat. But it’s rare and i have no practical reason to own it.
Of course the dodge, that nee-san is fine.
Headlights are literally placed at exact height of a rear view mirror and eye height of many cars. Even incandescent will blind.
we call it mahima here since it’s usually frequented by occupants and staffed by people who can’t speak the local language. Despite that it has good prices and one of the best kitchens of any big market. Just annoying to shop with some babushkas who act like their kgb officer husband is still alive.
It does make you a cunt by definition, since your modern stupid bright LED headlights shine STRAIGHT into the eyes and/or rear view mirror of everyone else.
One for hauling, towing, driving around offroad and onroad and basically doing everything in and the other for taking it to american car meets.
the few local american pickups here in europe are only here because of appearances and do no off road or hauling. The pickups that do hauling are exclusively japanese and they are all beat to shit cause they get used as designed.
trailer for hauling and then own whatever you want for driving, a subaru impreza will handle the offroad most people think you need a truck for. If you haul often a van shits on a truck in terms of cargo space, practicality, protection of cargo, ease of loading and carry a trailer while you load or unload. Modern american trucks are just crossovers with a tiny, useless flatbed bought to appear country. Trucks are only for the edge case of construction workers and maintenance crews who have to actually go off road (as in area in the forest where there is no road, not a gravel path a ferrari can drive on without issues). And for serious offroad that requires you to actually carry more than a single chainsaw: unimog.
The system is made for those who create and those who don’t know which way to hold an hammer. and it works, that’s the beauty of it.
Imperial is just made for peasants in 870s and people who are on still on that level of education.
beacause your and your friends friends are telling that story online. If they sell even 1 case thanks to that, that’s already profit. it’s win win marketing.
After some stupid gamer cases I splugred on a north. High quality case that doesn’t fall apart during assembly, cut you nor have usb ports that stop working in a month. Temps are good after blocking off the huge vented side as well . It’s the best case I’ve had so far and I’ve historically used meme cases since 2008 onward.
…Built on liebensraum americans got after genociding all the native americans who are now being forced to live in petting zoos.