I’m not sure we understand the word shy the same way 🤔
Second from left
Wow, she is amazing as Vi
AW man the nostalgia… Haven’t seen anything of her in ages
This better not awaken anything in me…
Why is this cartoon so prevalent in this kind of cosplay? And is there more of her?
So I guess Brazilians are weirdos because they parade in carnaval dancing around and in skimpy outfits :)
I think from the comments you have written that you need to reevaluate the meaning of what support of the lgbtq community means. Support is supporting their right to have the private life and sexual orientation they have without being punished for it. I think you are already at that point. You support that community.
Maybe you don’t agree with the parades and find them excessive and weird, but those parades are there as a response to those that don’t support them and would prefer to hide them (or worse). And I’m sure those parades have given a bunch of people the courage to admit and accept their own sexuality as they saw there was nothing wrong with it.
In other words, the support they need has nothing to do with the parades, you can be supportive and disagree on the parades, but at the end of the day, the best you can do is ignore the parades.
Aaah yes, thank you! I wonder what she’s been up to, time to do research.
I’d also choose 3, but its really close between those first three.
Is there a full photo that is not cut?
The one in the middle row on the left. Something in her look…
What a classic, right always, what was her name? I forget…
100% C
That’s a name even I acknowledge x) but somehow I didn’t have a fave for it.
Thanks! I think I heard her name recently about some movie she made or something, but I had never seen her.
Well, it works on me, confused stoya is hot
Redhead is always the answer.
Forgive my lack of culture, but I don’t know such legends. I’d go with left there tho. Something about how she looks at the camera.
4th from left, the only one to give me a good feeling
And who is that someone? Because that Lemmy instance must exist somewhere, right?