You can only mine so much gold, money can be printed infinitely. And there will be a point, albiet far in the future, where we will have depleted natural gold reserves to the point where mining costs will far exceed the profitability. Even right now to start an industrialized gold extraction project costs over a million dollar once you figure in equipment costs and claim agreements (usually anywhere from 10-20% of total gold mined is the price to mine a claim) The fluctuation of gold price in the 1800’s was nowhere near the 8000% fluctuation we have seen in the last 54 years, from 1799 till 1971 gold price only fluctuated from $18/19 to $35 when in the 19th century did the price of gold ever increase beyond $20-22? And this was enough to cause panic back then but the ignorant masses today just keep working while rent prices mirroring the price of gold hit all time highs every subsequent month.
And treasury bonds are merely Fiat currency on steroids. Just more printed rubber money.
Any day now elon musk will take us to mars too…… any day now….
At the point where gold becomes an infinitely abundant resource is the point where money will loose its value and those in power will be forced to restructure society so that poverty is impossible and class does not exist. Or they will undertake this monumental effort in complete secrecy to hide the fact. This will not happen in our lifetime. Unless et/ed contact and advanced hidden tech is disclosed that is.
If you think printing money out of thin air with nothing to back its value besides petro chemicals is a good economic model you’ve been sleeping for the last 3+ decades.