fanbois [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2021


  • Good, cheap wireless noise-cancelling headphones are one of the few legitimately wonderful technological advancements of the last 10 years. Very few things help my with my ADHD as much as these fuckers.

    Annoying coworker breathing like a 400 m runner? Headphones. Loud, stressful supermarket? Headphones. The little kid downstairs throws it’s third tantrum of the day? You know it.

    Cables can suck it. I will wrestle Bluetooth anyday before getting my head yanked back because I forgot my headset has a cable and i suddenly got up to get some water.

  • I firmly believe that happiness is a failed concept. It frames the fundamental emotion of joy as this attainable human state that we are supposed to be in. But joy, like all emotions, can only ever be temporary. If there is no joy, our lives will feel worthless and painful and we must do something about that. But just seeking joy, “happiness” or attempting to make it permanent is just as detrimental, as anybody who has suffered from addiction will know.

    A much more useful word (in english) is content. You can be content with something, even if it makes you sad. When my grandfather died, I was sad and deeply heartbroken. I certainly wasn’t happy, but i was content with how we said goodbye, how he was cared for in his last days, going out on his own terms.

    ADHD and especially the medication made me realize how fickle our brain chemistry is. My meds go ham on my dopamine production/absorption and suddenly I’m doing good, finding some joy in my work, even if it bores me to death. Until it wears off and then sometimes I crash and feel sad, lonely and hopeless. But now that I am diagnosed and medicated, I am more content than I ever was because everyday i act instead of just being acted upon and it shows in all facettes of my life.

    If you are rooted in a reality that you find fundamentally acceptable, that you are content with, you have a much better chance to endure the emotional storms. This is difficult and there is no guarantee. But it turns a non-existent emotional state into something that can be worked on, grappled with, and it is something that remains, regardless of how you feel in that very moment.

  • First off: Congratulations on getting diagnosed. It’s a huge step and 18 is a really nice timing. Untreated ADHD in adults can be really crippling, because all the supporting structures like school and family break away and suddenly you realize that managing your own time schedule and house hold is really fucking hard. So good job 👍

    Second: You took 30 mg of Elvanse/LDX for the first time and you felt nothing? That’s… impressive, honestly. Methylphenidate Non Responder are fairly known, but usually that amount of dexamphetamine does something to the human body. From your age I’d guess you are not a regular user of recreational amphetamines and have built a massive tolerance…

    I also started with 30 mg Elvanse and was pretty seriously zoned in, deep focus, elevated mood, highly awake, loss of appetite and a very revelatory feeling, that I could finally tackle all the bullshit that I had avoided, delayed, ignored and forgotten. For me, the 30 mg were honestly too much. Over the last year I’ve built a tolerance and am now taking 40-70mg daily, depending on the challenges of the day.

    Still I wouldn’t worry. No effect also means no bad side effects. Adjusting the dosage is entirely normal in the beginning and something your psychiatrist should do anyway. The therapeutic dosage goes up to 70 mg and there are edge cases with even higher doses. There is also methylphenidate (Ritalin, MPH, etc) and Atomotexetin. But for now, just stick with what you got.

    Dealing with ADHD is a marathon, not a sprint. You’ve just started, so take the days as they come and trust your feelings above all else. If it works, you’ll know. And if not keep at it.

    Also check out /c/neurodiverse, there are a lot of good posts and ADHD experiences shared.

  • Punctuality. Putting things away after using them. Remembering where I put my phone after putting it down in front of me one second ago. Calling you on your birthday. Opening my Mail and responding to it.

    Took me 25 years to recognize I had ADHD. cat-confused

    On a lighter note: Chess. Hate that fucking game. Makes me feel stupid everytime I look at a board. Everything is fine and suddenly your queen is hanging and your opponent gives you a smug look, as in “did you really miss that?”.

  • Of course. He’s not genetically evil. Essentialism is bad. He grew up in the most cold hearted, disgusting, bourgeois circumstances at the heart of capital and just kept going with it.

    It’s in fact another damning argument against capitalism and patriarchy. It produces evil in people as a byproduct.

  • Eradication is really hard. If you just kill mosquitoes in a certain area, what’s gonna stop them from coming back? You’re just not gonna get all of them.

    This way you introduce a mutation that can actually propagate through the gene pool, disabling the undesired trait for future generations. It’s also highly selective, so that you don’t accidentally get rid of other species or poison an area with pesticides.

    Also living beings have no “purpose”. They fill an evolutionary niche and shape the ecological system around them. The piss off us, so we play a little god, but nature has no opinions or morals whatsoever.