Sometimes I am poop when I should be shit
Sometimes I am poop when I should be shit
Oh dang, here’s a better source.
Rimworld has been my go to for my laptops
People on Reddit talking to people on Reddit is the worst.
I know in Battlefield 2142 they had generated ads on billboards. The game came with a little card in it telling you that by playing the game you agree to the terms of the ads.
Pop! OS has been a great out of the box solution for me.
I’ve been a fan of torrentleech.org for the last few years. They open for invites a lot.
Folk Punk. Not that I think the genre itself is funny, but I swear every band comes out with a “funny” song and it’s fantastic.
A 100 years too long
Never got to call one, though I remember trying to memorize the cheat codes or walkthroughs from Tip & Tricks Magazine in the store and then writing them down once I got home.
I use pico, it’s tiny and easy to use.
“The only success in life I feel is when my vroom vroom motorbike blows the doors off of the npc wagon”
3d printing and modeling. I also write, but more like I wrote as I haven’t done anything since my last book.
God I wish I had the attention to read any of this.
I only go on it for news/shit talking on the NWSL Thorns and the MLS Timbers. Every now and again I auto pilot looking at the main page and it’s just awful, all the subs that I used to enjoy have turned into husks of their former self’s.
This would look sick on the side of a van