Could be good for Bazzite on desktop maybe?
Could be good for Bazzite on desktop maybe?
Yea, I tried to switch to tmux
, but… I’m old. Hah
Key fact:
“It’s unusual for (ICE) to pick up an individual with legal status and not convicted of a crime. That usually doesn’t happen.”
Emphasis mine.
Edit: This is intended to reinforce your point for those who don’t read the article.
Let’s give credit where it’s due:
The Maybenot Framework (FOSS) is how Mulvad pulls this off, and if you run your own VPN you can use this too! Mulvad is a contributor (and funder), so good on them.
Edit: for those interested, Mulvad’s client is a fork of Wireguard with Maybenot incorporated as a submodule. Cool stuff:
Since the other answer is desktop use, if in Linux your best bet is smartctl
Every time they post on Mastodon they should make a post on Twitter that says they posted there until they get banned.
Credits aside, these dont seem like bad numbers when compared to spend/investment. Tesla management got what they wanted.
There are a bunch of things that I think are value-destroying for me to talk about, so I’m not going to talk about those.
Nice, all good options!
For iOS, I’d recommend Flutter, since that’s where the market is going, and they have good quick start guides.
For Docker, it changed my world. I taught someone in these steps, they used GPT to do each step individually, but were required to learn what each part of the compose file did as they went. They used WSL in Windows, but doing it via CLI is key.
Getting those basics down one step at a time will make all the rest soooooo much easier.
Until the UPS battery gets low and it beeps, and they look for a way to turn it off vs calling you. Yup.
You seem to feel like you should learn Swift, but don’t want to. If you’re looking for tech growth, but can’t get invigorated, maybe try a different direction?
Self-host a good first-app, like Nextcloud?
Watch build videos on Voron 3D printers?
Switch apps you can from the Play Store to Obtainium to prep for DeGoogling your life?
Make a server out of some old laptop?
Write scripts that automatically set up your PC when you reinstall?
Organize all your techy tools on a pegboard?
The Guardian is not owned by a billionaire, but by a trust that was made to preserve it’s integrity. So them.
You can also install directly from Signal via Obtainium.
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Fast for the benchmarks. “We’ll make it slower and safer later.”
But now you can’t bring it on a plane
You’re taking that out of context. Signal is open source, but you don’t get to see what happens between GitHub and the Play Store. Adobe’s system that I am aluding to is also open, but we don’t get to see what happens in the software itself. The problem is, that’s not even what I’m talking about. I’m talking about a standard they are developing, not their software or DRM.
This isn’t just for Adobe, they’re just starting the process. Other systems can run it. Hardware can run it. Do you not use linux because Canonical or Red Hat contributed? Do you steer developers away from flutter because Google started it? Where is the line? Who do you think kicks off all the standards you use today? OAuth, OIDC, etc. If you want to avoid everything these companies contribe to, you’re going to have to stop using the internet.
So, which campaign donating company wants to sell them mobile internet?
I… replied to a comment vs OP. Doh!
Hah, yea, good point.
Garmin Fenix 7. Non-OLED model. I get about 17 days. Granted, there may be cheaper options, but since the 7 is discontinued now you can find good deals.