The Kremlin won’t attack NATO, especially not with nukes. They’re psychopaths, not stupid. They won’t commit suicide over a failed land grab.
The Kremlin won’t attack NATO, especially not with nukes. They’re psychopaths, not stupid. They won’t commit suicide over a failed land grab.
Shame on Austria and Switzerland. Greedy cowards.
PiS is bad but at least they’ve done a good job helping Ukraine defend itself.
That’s incredible. Defending your home from barbarians must be very motivating.
NATO won’t respond to an NPP incident with ICBMs, if that’s what you’re implying.
It would make NATO much stronger. Geographic and strategic considerations aside, Ukraine easily has one of the most powerful militaries in Europe.
He’s looking weak, literally and metaphorically. I hope whatever comes after him is less deceptive and violent.
A lot of it is just KremlinGPT pushing Kremlin propaganda on social media.
They’re getting downvotes because the US does have moral high ground over Russia, easily.
The US has done horrible shit, and it’s not nearly as bad as Russia.
Even though people will likely die in the future because of unexploded ordnance, more lives could be saved if Russia loses sooner because of cluster bombs.
Great to see continued high artillery numbers. Getting ready for a big push I think.
Also, a lot of people don’t know how unreliable Dodge Challenges are.
I hate war but the Ukrainians deserve support defending themselves.
The Kremlin is failing and scared enough to turn on it’s own. This will cost them credibility and support and they know it.