Gene expression is not as straightforward as people think. All sorts of weird shit can happen, and that’s not even including gene mutations.
Gene expression is not as straightforward as people think. All sorts of weird shit can happen, and that’s not even including gene mutations.
I’d try to find a way to set the issue aside when possible, I guess. I don’t have to support every decision decision my children make, but nonetheless I can support them as individuals.
When it cubes down to it, I guess you gotta ask yourself if you value the relationship you have with your daughter. And let that inform your decisions as you learn to navigate the situation.
Ultimately, though, this isn’t about you, for better or worse. How it influences your own perspective and choices, though, depends a whole lot on the context, all those details the rest of us don’t know.
Sorry to beat a dead horse, but I don’t even know if that’s the ideal. The most important thing is that the money is spent in a way that guarantees a positive impact on whatever specific problem that agency is attempting to tackle. Spending more than strictly necessary can be the difference between simply ‘kicking the can down the street’ vs picking the can up and getting it to a recycling center.
The only reason I decided to put my two cents in is that I think we need to be aware how much propaganda is getting pushed on the subject of “less is better!! always!!!”, which is simply not true. Remember, the smaller and more “efficient” a government is, the easier and faster it is to corrupt said government (which I realize is kinda tangential, but i think still applies).
The retarded Cheeto wouldn’t know how to do a good thing if God’s only son came down and personally instructed his dumb ass in what to do.
Good to know. Might but it just to support the author.
As Jim Morrison said, “They got the guns, but we got the numbers.”
It is beyond shameful what my government is doing, though; I don’t fault you for the stance against all Americans. The worst part for me? I’ve seen this coming since I was in high school (over two decades ago). My entire adult life it’s been in the back of my mind. And here we are.
There’s no easy path forward. That’s for sure.
Well, if push came to shove, I’d stand with you anyway.
The common folk of the world need to find solidarity. Because this is gonna spread…
Yup. I can only agree with this sentiment.
Well, we are one of the most heavily propagandized countries on the planet. So, uh, wish me luck?
But, for what it’s worth, I stand with the common citizens of any country. Even Russia. At least in that I don’t bear ill will towards the commoners anywhere.
America desperately needs class solidarity. But, so does the planet. My two cents anyway.
I just want to point out Trump does not equal America. But, unfortunately, we kinda suck in other ways and have been fucking over other parts of the world for a while, so… 🤷
Anyone got a link yet? 😎
Where are so the Bill Gates stans?? Oops, looks like he’s just another fucking billionaire…
That’s a good question…
Well, it’s easy to convince stupid people to be racist, so…
Did you think this sounded…clever?
Because it doesn’t even make any sense
You’re comment is proof that you’re wrong. Which is hilarious.
What safety standards? Those are getting the ax, too
The scene from Men in Tights when Robin slaps the sheriff with a metal gauntlet!!