Just gonna block you. Don’t care for your attitude. Bye.
Just gonna block you. Don’t care for your attitude. Bye.
Sounds like they were already shuttering their Canadian operations before this.
I would be thrilled if all American social media was blocked 100%. Sweep the trolls back into their caves.
Hate is a pretty shallow thing.
I have no time at all for pushing hate agendas by any party. I don’t hate billionaires, corporations, police, politicians, or even trump and elon. I sure have contempt for them and would love them gone, but not hate.
If it’s online/social media it’s all garbage anyway.
Comments worth nothing at all.
I love that Canada’s election system is largely based on paper ballots and not electronic means (at least in BC).
It’s much harder (though maybe not totally impossible) to tamper with the process when it’s all being manually counted and tallied with many scruitineers from all parties watching the count and district reporting. Anomalies would be apparent very quickly.
The electronic system in the US Is pure garbage.
It’s far easier to get people on side with hate and rhetoric than being nice and public policy.
Scrapping the carbon tax was a great first step, but I’d love to see them take every single dollar assigned to F35 fighters and put it all into healthcare and healthy school meals for kids (see how Japan does it right).
I want NDP but we have to win against cons first. NDP can wait.
Btw libs, time to knock off the gun control letters. I just got another one (for a model I don’t even own).
They should be explicitly endorsing responsible firearm ownership now given the enemy at the gate.
He’s not getting Canada. He’s gonna have a toddler tantrum and that’s all that will happen.
Gotta be upset about something! The media says so!
Buy it for life isn’t cheap, but the aluminum one is quite affordable and functionality identical. I just wanted to treat myself.
Canada can easily manufacture nukes. We have all of the scientific and technical skills to pull it off. I hope we never need one of the damn things though.
That said if a dump invasion took place I’m sure we could count on France to give us one to decapitate the dump.
The Japan one is far better than the American ones anyway. Highly recommended.
I’ve shopped there before but they seem to have stock issues. Pretty much everything is out of stock right now. Not confidence inspiring.
I really like mine. I have a Merkur as well as an aluminum Henson, but it’s they’ve both been in the drawer since I got my Henson TI. It’s 100% the last razor I’ll ever need.
Feather blades work great in it!
I see no reason why the government can’t calculate your taxes based on your reported income and investments (and see if those numbers are plausible based on your location and occupation). Then if you want to challenge their numbers you can do your own return.
Wow, that’s about as damning a statement about him as I’ve ever read.
I’d never want trump to write anything positive about me. Call me an asshole to my face because I sure would to him.
No real surprises here
unRAID’s MD device array provides very high flexibility in terms of storage options (being able to use any drive size in the array that is smaller than parity), and preserving individual array drives in the case of a failure that exceeds the capability for parity protection, rather than losing all data on the entire array (you’d only lose data on the drive that failed).
The price of all that flexibility is speed.
For many types of array data, that’s not a big issue, but occasioanlly for huge numbers of files, it’s very slow (especially for some lighter-weight systems).
Using a ZFS striped array in unRAID (same as TrueNAS) should provide the speed you’re looking for, but you lose that amazing ability to just add drives and expand/change your storage needs almost effortlessly.
The great thing is that you can have your cake and eat it too!
My array has 13 unRAID-style array drives with dual parity, protecting all of my media (who cares if it’s a bit slow, just TV shows, Movies and Music).
All of my important stuff (bank documents, kids stuff, family photos, etc) is on a much smaller ZFS array that’s replicated hourly with snapshots to a second independant unRAID server, and from there, weekly to a tiny 2-drive ZFS array that gets rotated-out to a safe deposit box every few months. I used to use rsync to do that, which was slow and painful. With ZFS and snapshots, it’s effortless and super-quick.
Trump just saved Canada from this guy. They might still get a minority but if everyone gets out and votes to block conservatives (yes that may mean holding your nose - I’d rather vote NDP but I’m not risking splitting the vote) they’ll never get a majority.
What else are they gonna say?
Where have I heard “fake news” before. Hmmm???