Basically, the “no immigration” path i
That is a strawman of your own creation. All I said is that I want my children to have the opportunity to have kids of their own if they wish to, which currently seems unlikely because our government does not prioritize fostering the conditions under which young people choose to start families.
I would prefer Canada to grow primarily through its own means rather than relying so heavily on immigration to avoid economic collapse.
If you prefer not having kids or grandchildren, that’s fine by me, but don’t assume we all want the same things.
I’m also an early millenial / late GenX and broadly support the things you mention.
At the same time, how do you explain that earlier generations were happy to start families well before national pharma care, etc.? Before people were concerned with the climate crisis they were terrified of a population explosion (hence China’s one-child policy), nuclear war, etc.
My intuition is that the difference is that they were more financially stable and they were able to maintain a family with a single income, which provided them with both the money and the time that raising children require. So, maybe we should focus on that instead.