f16 and f128
Great!👍🏻 What about FPU and VFP support?
Spending short lifetime for development and boring things.
f16 and f128
Great!👍🏻 What about FPU and VFP support?
Looking to example code in the README I have to say that it is neat! ❤️🔥
But know what? Could be awesome to support char-literals in the parser!
macro. Currently in that example str-literals used as single-char strings.
I mean this for example:
num: num=<"-"? '0'-'9'+ …
Why there dash is str but not a char? Also what about escapes, unicode sequences and binary literals?
I suppose there should be something like Crang (“friend” of Shredder) without exoskeleton and covered with spikes, like your Corro.
Sorry for 🇷🇺 lang. Lang is beautiful, but today it’s associated with some madness and shame.
Ok, understood, thank you.
I’m not sure is it sarcasm or that’s really not bad short description? 🤔
Trying to reduce compilation time, reconfiguring underlying cargo’ build-ctx or just riding off the context and using only build-plan and metadata by host cargo & rustc in the cargo-playdate tool.
Wowfuck! I’ve been thinking about an approaching stroke for almost 40 years and it’s time to say goodbye. Thank you, that’s good news.
Nope. This little neat feature mainly is just necessary part of bigger one - const-generics with const bounds.
If I understand you right, I mean just star button on that repo. Thank you 😊
Thanks! ❤️🔥
I just don’t care, I’m only 40 years old, it’s a kid’s age.
That’s false for closures (or unnamed/inline) functions with context because their type is unique and so you just can’t write their type and that’s not a lang’s fault - that’s logically correct side-effect by-design.
Did author knows about difference between static and dynamic dispatch? 🤦🏻♂️
Okay, just take a look at code. https://github.com/aeharding/voyager
Dada-lang is like dada-art?..
For me personally, the “retro” is about period ending before “age of ugliest 3D”.