Well I’m not a fan of this. Fork it, GPL it, then swap it.
I’ve used Kubuntu as a daily driver for over 10 years but the stench of enshittification is getting to strong these days. Time to move on I guess.
Well I’m not a fan of this. Fork it, GPL it, then swap it.
I’ve used Kubuntu as a daily driver for over 10 years but the stench of enshittification is getting to strong these days. Time to move on I guess.
Australian needs to tell ‘em to go fuck themselves.
Australia is really missing the boat here. Too busy trying to be a small target instead of getting ahead of the game. We’re already part of Eurovision FFS
“Ziegler controversy” not being white is a controversy? Get fucked
So World War 3 is going to be The US and Russia v Europe. The Chinese Government must be pissing themselves laughing
Und instantnudeln
Mostly because Servo is just the web rendering engine. It still needs a browser built on top of it.
The Agile Development here is the same result I’ve experienced for every one of these methods. Mostly because of clients/management.
One wrong move and you’re cancelled.
Nah. It’s never one wrong move it’s entirely about how they respond to that move.
The people who get canceled are dismissive of criticism (eg make up some bullshit about how what they said wasn’t even considered bigoted where they live) and/or double down.
If someone shows true remorse and learning they’ll be forgiven.
Moron billionaire class. Think they’ll survive the collapse of humanity in their bunkers. The reality being they will be murdered by their staff on day one.
I’ve found myself supplementing Duolingo with the DW course: https://learngerman.dw.com/en/learn-german/s-9528 because it explains context.
English because I’m still at “Ich kann im Supermarkt Obst für meine Katze kaufen” stage
Awesome! It’s a great app and the efforts of everyone involved is very appreciated
Ooh exciting! What’s the current ETA on final release?
And here’s why I think the nurses in the video were just morons. There is anti-semitism out there but the people trying to make a name for themselves “finding” it are utter cunts.
I wrote some scripts so it can happen https://aus.social/@galoisghost/113985157324012236
The wheels of justice turn slowly, mostly because the rich pay for them to go slowly so they don’t actually have to face justice
I really want someone to do a video where they take the piss out of Clive’s stupid ads, where in place of Clive it’s a kid running to be schools captain.
“Coke in the bubblers. The Principal could do it but he doesn’t care”
I’m guessing you got this from DuckDuckGo (or Bing). Here’s the direct link: https://www.makeuseof.com/organic-maps-google-maps-privacy-focused-alternative/
I think the correct answer is:
So you don’t want to hire me for my leadership skills you just want me to be the face of your decisions? You’ve already decided the asshole needs to move first, why not just move him yourself?