Oh you can guarantee they won’t forget how to vote 😃
Oh you can guarantee they won’t forget how to vote 😃
Keep in mind that the more muscle you build, the more energy it takes to move that muscle therefore the more calories you’ll burn during your activities through the day. It’s not necessarily about the calories you burn during the workout but the aggregate impact downstream.
I could be wrong though I don’t go to the gym lol.
Listening to Valley of the Pagans by Gorillaz and it resonating with Vancouver life so much holy shit
Once the election was called I told everyone I’d been warning that for the next 4 years I’m not going to be saying “I told you so” lest my lungs give out but I want them to remember and imagine me saying it because I’m thinking it. Nothing else for me to do at this point.
I upgraded my note 10+ to an s22 ultra thinking it would retain all the same shit but noooooo fucking Samsung decided to drop the sd card slot and keep the internal storage the same. Fucking assholes. I just want the same fucking experience I had. I don’t want your ai bullshit. I don’t want 7 fucking cameras I just want my old phone with a pen that worked fine.
Only upgraded because the wireless charging stopped working, the screen got phantom touches in one specific spot (both known issues with note 10+) and the charge port wouldn’t work unless you had the cable in JUST right.
Anyway fuck you Samsung and someone else make a decent sized phone with a working stylus please.
What’s with the weird half assed censoring of boy and child at the end…
My favorite was the story of John Backflip
I don’t know if anything really tops Wolfenstein TNO. Right from the get-go you’re running through a trench dual-wielding machine guns and just shredding Nazis like you’re mowing grass. Plus you can personally stomp Hitler’s face in! 10/10 experience.
“Elmo knows where you liiiiiiiiive!”
Why do these fuckers spend so much time and effort trying to make things worse? Like there’s scapegoating immigrants because it’ll rile up your voter base and get you re-elected and then there’s shit like taking away lunch from kids. Like who does that even benefit?
I’m genuinely asking if they just get giddy with excitement at the thought of making things worse for other people.
This used to piss me off as a child. Parents would say this when I’d ask them where stuff was and I’d retort “not if I never find it!”
They can bring value to shareholders by making good movies people actually want to watch.
These were renamed to Fads at some point. I grew up with the latter.
First week playing WoW and some goober told me to try the camp emote. /camp quits the game and I quickly learned my lesson. Wasn’t even mad.
Pretty sure they’re both required to do that by law. I’ve downloaded all my Facebook data a few times
Actually I don’t think it is. They’d have a license to use it in perpetuity but if they claimed legal ownership then they’d be responsible for what you post.
They get the benefits of ownership without any of the responsibility.
A buddy of mine worked in a theatre and told me that the film’s were all 1080P. I called bullshit. Those screens were huge they were clearly 4K. He showed me the reel and yup he was right.
If theatres don’t even bother with 4K, your TV doesn’t need 8K.
One hurdle we have to deal with is the assumption by the general public that markets = capitalism.
You tell people capitalism has failed them and they worry that you mean to take away their ability to buy a latte.
Hmmmmm ackchually a green lantern’s powers are based on willpower. Blue lanterns are powered by hope 🤓
No thanks. I don’t want the back wall of my bar to look like a snuff film. I’m all for making it clear to consumers that alcohol is a major carcinogen but maybe start with alcohol advertising and education?