Ancient! What does that make me!?
Ancient! What does that make me!?
I was about to ask what LMGTFY meant, then I googled it real quick… Hahahahahaha glad I did lol
Spray and prey?
Clearly you don’t understand how game preservation/ piracy works
How would Nintendo be able to remove “decades of IP” if they went out of business?
You could give it to me .
Free and open source healthcare, FOSH
And at least 1 brain work 🐛
You can buy donuts with you company card? Lucky
Tell him you’ll have to do it for him and install Linux mint
Or after you beat them
Damn it’s really that cheap?
They pay $600 a month for insurance and STILL pays doctor bills. I also pay 600 a month and my yearly max out of pocket is $2500 per family member. In the EU the pay nothing other than taxes(maybe some small fees but not much at all) And from searching a few websites the max you will pay in Germany is 7.3 percent of your income capped at €62100 for a max monthly insurance cost of €377.77($420.70 USD)
That’s cool. EU?
Not trump, that sentence was too coherent
I have no free will so I didn’t choose to disagree, so I am just predestined for hell I guess