A dentist once answered this question. Better to eat it at once than soak your teeth in sugar for the entire day. Even better if you brush your teeth after, of course.
A dentist once answered this question. Better to eat it at once than soak your teeth in sugar for the entire day. Even better if you brush your teeth after, of course.
Vores to hand over all power to republicans.
Complains that democrats don’t stop them.
Yay, signal is great because they do everything in their power to not only not spy on you, but not be able to. But boo, they are bad, because they won’t spy on other people for us!
Garmin is very good privacy wise as I understand. How is polar in that regard?
Jabra left the consumer market to focus on enterprise, but I wouldn’t worry about warranty.
The Republicans are not sending their best.
They really are…
Danish: It concerns me a feather
Turn off avr soon after music stops playing or tv turns off. Otherwise it would be running on idle for hours.
If rabbit cage (outdoors) is open half an hour before sunset, phones start making noise, light turns red.
If my and my wife’s phone has left the house and the alarm hasn’t been activated for 20 minutes, send a notification.
Ok, so only the first one is an automation as such, but I like being in control (and it’s hard to automate chasing the rabbits around until they decide to flee home).
Oh no, people who are enthusiastic about privacy and open source don’t want to support fascists! How can it be so?
Yes, that was very precisely chosen eight uninterrupted minutes of absolute cringe by the American leadership I saw. I’m sure the rest more than made up for the uncut embarrassing clown act the legacy media had chosen to air.
Danish has: Far får får får? Nej, får får ikke får, får får lam.
This translates to: Dad, does sheep get (give birth to) sheep? No, sheep don’t get sheep, sheep get lambs.
Yes, sure, but look at it this way: California and Denmark together would be the world’s 5th largest economy!
He is offensively decent.
They weren’t whistleblowing, they were going public. IIRC Snowden did use the whistleblowing path first but got nowhere. I guess, because he wasn’t outed at that point, his identity was protected. Nothing else happened though.
Well, they said this so one can hope they are going to align differently.
You mean not be nazi?
My old Samsung phone could output to two Bluetooth devices at the same time, but it wasn’t exactly synchronized. I don’t think Bluetooth is good at getting the timing just right.
Me neither, but honestly it could go either way. On the one hand he’s super pro privatisation and giving rich people more money. On the other he’s releasing all the prisoners. The white Nazis anyway.
Elon should be allowed to say whatever he wants without anyone contradicting or fact checking him. His power to be free to say whatever he wants should be absolute!