Elon Musk
Elon Musk
I was curious enough to check if this was real and it is. The picture belongs to a Chinese girl who was beaten by Sue Ellen in a video game.
I thought I was reading The Onion at first
mfw Starfield is just a high budget and for Skyrim
First just felt the most realistic to me (probably because it had a lot of military scenes and was probably a Pentagon propaganda) and a lot of the interactions between the humans just made sense to me.
2 wasn’t that bad imo because I only watched it for cool robot fights and a lot of the scenes were still memorable. Next ones get progressive worse, literally the only thing I remember is that they had Sentinel Prime, robot dinos, and robot knights. Felt like cash grabs
my bad, never went to one so I don’t know what it’s like
1 billion dollars with a side of 1 trillion dollars, next question
The first two Bay movies hold a special place in my heart. They may not be good, but they’re enjoyable and cool as fuck
At least strippers won’t exploit your loneliness and trick you into getting into a parasocial relationship
A lot of people are depressed because they’re fixated on the negativity. You’d be surprised how much going outside, exercising, or even just doing simple things like taking a nice cold shower or cleaning up your room can help.
Obviously it’ll be different from person to person but generally, setting a small goal and accomplishing that goal will make you feel better.
Guess you could call her Radiohead
ba dum tss
this game is rigged
That’s a lot of words to admit “superior” guns don’t make you superior
even if it wasn’t, NSA would’ve probably bought it already anyway
Well, that’s not very open of OpenAI
wouldn’t it be funny if we just gave it back to Britain
leftism is when someone says something you disagree with
it’s funny how masks have existed their whole life and the only time they decide to hate on it is when they’re actually needed
Why the downvote? Guess no one’s getting the reference of him saying he doesn’t like doing crime in GTA and that there should be salute a cop button?