Sure, that seems to be true at the moment. But the military won’t be the same in the (near) future, as purging the military is just another point in their Project2025. It’s authoritarian 101.
Already working on the “Clean Wehrmacht” myth, huh?
He deleted it from the internet though.
It’s only a real Nazi salute if it’s from the Nazi region in Germany. Otherwise it’s just sparkling hatred.
This country will choose the old reliable, i.e. we will vote stand still. Soon, we will be some kind of industrial museum theme park - the Pretzels are nice though.
Wenn ich mir das anschaue, scheint mir deine o.g. Einschätzung (Demobilisierung & abfangen) nicht unplausibel zu sein. Schade schade Schokolade.
Vielen Dank für die Links und die Recherchearbeit! Ich weiss schon, warum ich hier bin :)
Vielleicht ist dein Bezug, dass der Boeselager eine Zeitlang für McKinsey gearbeitet hat? Das wusste ich schon bei der Europawahl.
Großspenden von Venture Capital und Bankern
Moin, hast du da eine Quelle parat? Eine schnelles Gurgeln zeigt nur eine Großsspende eines Pantoffelherstellererben aus Goslar.
Be excited, be, be excited!
Every ARPG has a unique strength. Grim Dawn is probably the best in class for solo self found & targetted farming enjoyers.
Internet archive exists…
These people are as dumb as they are evil.
I’ve already unlocked the Pizza recipe. Nice!
Trolle werden trollieren (vermute ich mal)
Succinct. I like it.
No, we won’t. A certain dude in the government made sure to cut 99% of the funds pertaining to the study of storing energy (i.e., batteries). It is the same dude who accused the Green Party for only making ideological policies. This is the state of stupidity in this country.
Never ever ever. Mainly because Germany is sooo bad with new tech, we don’t need more juice :)
I fucking hate living in a time where a breakthrough in media was achieved recently.
It always ends in tears. A lot of tears.
A cover of Black Sabbath’s “Supernaut”, by Al Jourgensen of Ministry’s side-project 1000 Homo DJs with vocals by Nine Inch Nails vocalist Trent Reznor.
$1Trillion dollars wiped off the stock market? NBD, just push the AI more, so we can be free from the labour(ers). So cooked.