big fan of “bring a bag of moths to the cinema” (p.30)
big fan of “bring a bag of moths to the cinema” (p.30)
yeah, it was Alt. i don’t know what’s wrong with these other people.
everyone in Taiwan would love to do that, but Beijing can’t get over being dumped.
ah, i was looking forward to saying “you’re not a villain” with more context, but… it seems like you’re making a gacha game. this sounds just like, for example, Genshin Impact wishes. the diagnosis stands :(
(i’m assuming that, as usual, managing your upgrades is a secondary part of the gameplay, and that we’re talking about a random chance based danger of failure )
why are random setbacks better than just getting out of the player’s way, and getting back to the main action of the game as soon as possible?
if upgrades are rewards for playing well enough to gather resources, why waste the player’s time and effort when they aren’t doing anything wrong?
“wasting” resources can be fine, if you learn something from it, even by process of elimination, like experimenting with different ingredients to find a recipe.
but it sounds here like your game would just slap the player in the face sometimes, to try to make them feel better about when they don’t get slapped.
You’re a villain. Sorry, the evidence is incontrovertible.
Drag talks about dragself in the dragth person. Drag sounds like drag was dropped on drag’s head a few times.
big fan of this word
finally, time to shine with my strategic korean maxim reserve
to balance out all this forgiveness, i will not be forgiving you for posting that Nightmare Harold pic.
unfortunately, opening the door changes the temperature, so in practice instruments are calibrated from copies of the room built at other metrology institutions around the world.
the twat in the hat.
i think corgana meant zero people who reply with meaningless comments just for the sake of replying, like those tiresome one-line joke threads that choke up every big subteddit.
“Moon of Alabama” is completely divorced from reality. CIA bio weapons labs in Ukraine, complete vehement denial of Russian invasion plans until it happened, then an instant switch to it being a glorious liberation, denial of Russian war crimes and ethnic cleansing, denial of Assad’s war crimes… a textbook firehose of falsehoods.
if you want the most demented conspiracy theories, sure
“the width of a British-style pub”
the length of a piece of string. the height of a tree. the size of an animal. the colour of a door.