The 19020s 😲 You from the future?
The 19020s 😲 You from the future?
I’m pescetarian, so I will eat fish, most of what I eat is either vegetarian or vegan. So it’s certainly easier for me than you. But here’s the thing, I was brought up this way, therefore I don’t like the taste of meat and don’t want imitation stuff either.
But I have no difficulty with this at all. A lot of dishes just have meat in them, but they really don’t need it, they’re good without it, it’s not the base of the dish. The foods in shops that are prominently labelled “vegan” or “plant based” are primarily meat and dairy alternatives, because there’s no need to label all the other things that have always been inherently plant based. At least in recent years it’s becoming trendy to label these foods “plant based” that would never have had meat in them anyway, it makes it clearer, but it’s not always the case and there’s no real need to.
Or just “Latin”. A word Latin Americans actually use. Really don’t need the X.
Man’s fast tracking “create the most corrupt government possible”.
Ah, but what if he simply gets rid of democratic elections, then he needn’t worry about the issue of being elected more than twice
If it’s an issue, then the organisers shouldn’t let kids in, otherwise it’s at the parent’s discretion, not yours
Yeah, sure, just as easily as people switched from saying “Twitter” to saying “X”
To avoid sea ice, they entered an area they are legally allowed to enter… okay
In British supermarkets, they often don’t even put the beans on shelves. Instead they have stacked palettes of them, because they need to restock so often it’d be inefficient to have to unpack and shelve them.
Are you American though? Here in the UK, nobody really owns a plunger and they don’t need to, the plumbing is different, it doesn’t clog. Do need to own a toilet brush though, to wipe off the skidmarks, which is more rare in the US.
Those names were chosen because they stereotypically fit these people, like Karen does a Karen. But popular names and connotations change over time. I feel like Stacy is a name befitting of an older person now than originally intended for the memes. I wonder if we’re going to collectively keep these names locked in time, or rename them ever
No chance I’m getting a username this simple on most platforms
I’m having fun ☹️
These Øs make it read like the subtitles to the intro for Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Making grey 0, black the highest and intense red the lowest above 0 is a weird palette choice
Spanish, is this Latin America? Because if so, then damn, the movies were correct, even the BSOD has an orange tint to it
Not a car, but I’ve got a bicycle light that does this. Turns on when it’s dark and also when you brake. So definitely possible
Haha, most people here do tech it seems. Well, me too.
People seem to think I’d be good at maths and my entire job is like maths. I’m not and I don’t view it that way. There’s a lot of problem solving and engineering, but I find it very creative and expressive
Do Americans really have a right to bear arms? It’s technically legal, but if police can murder you and get away with it when they catch you with a gun, that sounds like the consequences are a possible defacto death sentence.
They only sometimes murder you for it. But there’s plenty laws where I’m from that are only sometimes enforced when the police catch you, and not by death.