Thanks for your input. Web dev seems great and I’ve considered trying to deploy some kind of useful REST API, like for computing directions from one place to another on campus, probably with FastAPI in Python. Doing something with Docker is also on my todo-list…
I just started Forces of Production the other day. It’s interesting.
The other day I started reading a Chinese scifi novel 猫城记 Cat City/Cat Country. I thought about trying to translate it even though it’s above my reading level by just looking up all the words as I go. But I’m below that threshold of 95% understanding or whatever and have to look up many phrases on each page.
There is no doubt that the unpaid internship is exploitative, moreso than the already discouraging/tiring path to a first job programming. But I also think you were right to accept it as a step towards launching a career. It’s something you will never have to do a second time… onward and upward
I think a modern socialist planned economy fit for our situation would come out with a very pemanent, modular, and repairable cell phone. It would resemble an Apple product in no way, making use of open source hardware and software and with an ideological commitment against planned obsolescence.
May we live to see a revolutionary socialist restoration, but more than a restoration, a forging anew <3
Thanks for your viewpoint and I think I’ll do that and keep working towards my first dev co-op etc. Nice to have the flexibility to transition down the line.