Here’s another of his that I really enjoy: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/70/Ivan_Aivazovsky_-_Ship_in_the_Stormy_Sea.jpg
Here’s another of his that I really enjoy: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/70/Ivan_Aivazovsky_-_Ship_in_the_Stormy_Sea.jpg
Contemplating Oblivion by Keith Wiley. This is a self-published book, but I understand that the author has previously had nonfiction work published elsewhere, including peer-reviewed publication.
This is a far-far-future scifi novel in which all human minds have been “fortified” aka uploaded for around a million years and are not associated with biological bodies. It’s an interesting setting that the author uses to explore the nature of consciousness and humanity’s eternal struggles against fear of the unknown and religious zealotry. I’m really enjoying the exploration of such a distant reality and the notion that we may never get away from some of our most primitive social dysfunctions.
At least it’s an honest month. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjco86ekIlQ&ab_channel=AILLBREAKFAST