That super techy soap bag is awesome, that would do away with…
toilet paper core wicking moisture from bar soap
waterproof mess barrier of valved coffee bag.
I might have that matador soap bag in my Amazon wishlist , but biweekly coffee bean delivery’s have me stocked on valved coffee bags.
edit: can’t words
Been stuffing bar soaps in toilet paper core and sticking em inside used coffee bean bags with valve.
edit:fixed coffee bag link
Hong Kong Disneyland survival gear in middle of hot+humid summer
! /u/
Sent PM, holler if that was a fail?
Sent PM, holler if that was a fail?
But yeah, I passed on the Brown Weave 1959 Alpinist because of the not-that-improved 6R35 movement. Even though that dial is mesmerizing IRL.
:) as it happens sarb017 has been stored like so for about a week now, lost a minute since I last set against NTP/internet time servers. Been winding once daily and amazed by the huge improvement of losing a minute daily before maintenance.
Wrist times been dominated by SBPK003 in new-watch-honeymoon-phase.
Sent message
Sent message.
Yeap, The Watch Steward in post is like MN. I’m partial to the “G Series” as that doesn’t need spring bar removal to change out.
Buuuut I think one can’t get away from elastic webbing itself stretching out. Left is ~3 month old, One on the right stretched to ~1.5x it’s original length, had to trim it after ~5 years of use .
edit: added length-of-use