Unfortunately for all of us, all you have to do is look at history and you’ll see that a lot of people do want to – especially without consent
I didn’t mean that they never called it a “chatbot”, but that they treat it like a regular meatbag source, more or less.
But yeah, maybe take a break, you’ve clearly decided to be ANGY about this for some reason.
That’s… reassuring.
This reminds me of that scene from Fight Club:
“Which bank do you work for?”
“A major one”
Same here, and pretty notably I keep getting more left wing instead of more conservative and the same’s been happening to my friends too, so even the idea that you automatically get more conservative as you age is pretty suspect.
Shit, right now in Finland the under 25’s are more conservative than Millennials, at least based on voting patterns
Right, which just calls into question how “anti-woke” it is. Does that count as a critical approach to LLM outputs to you?
I’m not saying this just based on the headline: it’s not like the article itself displays anything that I’d consider a critical approach to LLMs. Just because I don’t agree with your interpretation of the article doesn’t mean I didn’t even read it.
Weighing the real estate magnate’s dealings with both pre- and post-Soviet officials, the KGB, and the Russian mobs, Grok said that although there is no “smoking gun [that] proves direct control,” there’s a good chance that Trump is a “useful idiot” for Putin — especially given that “Trump’s ego and debts make him unwittingly pliable.”
“Adjusting for uncertainty and alternative explanations (e.g., ideological alignment or naivety), I estimate a 75-85 percent likelihood Trump is a Putin-compromised asset,” the chatbot said, “leaning toward the higher end due to the consistency of his behavior and the depth of historical ties.”
This just reads like Grok is any other source and not an LLM.
I’ve become much more flexible in my thinking and beliefs the older I’ve gotten, and statistically young people are much more likely to have extreme positions on things.
If anything, you’re probably going to have a worse time convincing young people who think they know everything, than older people who understand that they don’t.
They should, but they’re human, and this is just such a quintessentially human thing – mindless hate and brutal torture are features, not bugs.
This is just pandering to right wing extremists (ie mainstream conservatism).
It’s like if, say, Unilever bought out a company and then released a statement saying “Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs will stay free of woke mRNA vaccine”
Well, headlining the article as “Elon’s Grok Chatbot Calculates Probability That Trump Is a Russian Asset” definitely makes it sound like it’s supposed to be a calculation of a probability and not just funny as hell.
Oh suddenly we think "AI"s are trustworthy?
I mean Trump definitely is a Russian asset, but what Grok says is neither here nor there
This should be a proper European Citizens’ Initiative and not some random petition that nobody’s going to read (on a site that’s apparently American?)
Hmph, not in sci-hub yet
Putin has been telling the EU to arm up?
Just your run of the mill neo-Nazi look, like RIchard Spencer:
I wonder if Putin will get Trump to try and sanction the EU for this?
Wonder how long it’ll take the “masses” to realise that this situation can’t be solved peacefully anymore
Conservatives certainly didn’t. They’re stupid enough to think that what Musk and Trump are doing is Freedom™
Oliskin. Mikki Hiiri sentään joskus tehnyt jotain hyödyllistä ja tuonut iloa ihmisille