You realize we are discussing F1 and not road cars right?
All hail the hypnotoad
You realize we are discussing F1 and not road cars right?
Yeah that was my point, we are in agreement
Oh so at 7.25 an hour, checks math we should be at like 80k for a house today, right? right guys?
Had me in the first half, ngl
As a relative novice Prusa was great. Also they sell the printers cheaper if you’re willing to assemble yourself - not only is it fun, but it gives you a much better understanding of the product. I feel like I really know how mine works because I built it!
I personally enjoyed the extra little fun of the bonus point. But alas.
It means “we will choose to unsuspend the suspension if we really don’t like you in particular”
I came here for this, thank you
Easily the worst pain I’ve ever experienced, with no close comparison. Broken bones, bicycle accidents, road rash, surgery, sprains, flu, covid, I don’t care. Torsion felt like death
When I went to the hospital, I was acting normal, because yeah. Trying not to overreact and stay calm. They made me wait in the ER for a few hours until I finally told the nurse how bad my pain was. She didn’t believe me, then took my blood pressure. Once she saw how high it was, she immediately audibly gasped, and immediately sent me to see a doctor, where I received immediate surgery to save my testicle.
No one believed how bad my pain was until I said to the nurse “I think I’m dying can you please do something” simply because I wasn’t “exhibiting symptoms” badly enough. This shit is absolutely real.
Why would this change now?
Building codes in Cali are different due to earthquakes, and wood becomes a much more tenable option for many.
I also try not to use much if any soap there too, because, porous wood
To each their own my friend, you do you. Not trying to get into a fued over soap preferences lol
Lol I’m not religious about it or anything, but it’s porous unlike other cooking materials, so yeah, I don’t put soap on it
I know you’re a troll but the idea of cooking on a dish soap infused cast iron is filthy lol
It’s all those bootstraps, don’t you know? The rich have been pulling them up harder than you, that’s all.
This is too fucking accurate and I’m both pleased and upset simultaneously. Thank you.
Not sure if his policy included “staying alive”, bummer
I know the answer to this one!
Cause he’s an evil fuck
May he be tried by a jury of his peers
And walk away a free man, who has committed no crime, only provided the justice that society fails to offer
It was liberating for me. Haven’t gone back.