What is? So far this just looks like an ad
What is? So far this just looks like an ad
Why is this in this community?
I watch the Marvel movies all the time when working out. Also Aliens, Resident Evil series, Terminator 2, The Suicide Squad, the Mission Impossible series…
I always watch a movie when working out, one of the advantages of having equipment at home.
I watch a lot of stuff on there, probably half are rewatches of favourite shows. But my Netflix is €8.99 a month for ages so it’s not bad.
Me too, it was so good and with a great cast. I’d love to know more about the story. I wish that there could be a book or something when a series ends too soon just to wrap up the story.
It got cancelled 😭 I saw in IMDb news
Shows that need more seasons… The Expanse, Outer Range, Avenue 5.
I’d love a longer look at how it all started, the way everything becomes clear and breaks down is so fascinating!
You’re giving nothing here, so I’ll assume there’s no substance to what you’re saying.
So what’s the vow about having sex?
He’s saying that but you said there an oath? Were you meaning something else?
Legally Ireland can do that but the commitment to the 15% is there… Will be very interesting to see what happens now.
Is having sex in the usual marriage vows?
Ah yes, it’s my own fault! Good, glad they did that.
OP… I’d love some episode discussion threads, do you think people would complain if they were in this community?
Just watched it last night and after that we watched a recap of season 1… wrong order but there ya go. The recap was necessary! They should have done one, it’s been years since season 1.
Enjoyed the first episode, there’s a lot in it, lots set up. But yeah if it’s all innie for the second I’ll be a bit disappointed.
Love it, so glad it’s back. It’s so interesting and the characters are all interesting in their own way. Just weird enough too without being up its own arse, though time will tell.
I wanna know what was in that luggage! No ticket = no paper trail… Risking your life for it… The makings of a great movie there.
Agree getting a full rack. Safety but also many more options for the same space.
The Penguin.
Saw episode 4 this week, absolutely amazing, brilliant performance from that actress.
Peaky Blinders
Season 4 is pretty good, about halfway through I think.